Degree Programme Details

Information Technology

Abbreviation: BIT

Code: B0613A140016

Level of Education: Bachelor

Title Awarded: Bc.

Length of Study: 3 years

Form of Study: full-time

Programme Profile: academically oriented

Fields of Education: Informatics

Language: Czech

Accreditation: 25. 6. 2019 - 25. 6. 2029

Information for applicants

Study targets

The aim of the Information Technology Bachelor Degree Programme  is to prepare alumni who are able to use both hardware and software systems at a high professional level. They are able to act as designers, programmers, and servicemen of information and communication systems, digital systems, computer networks, computer-based systems and programmers and administrators of database systems and information systems. The programme is open for teachers of higher schools who aim to complete their knowledge in the branch of information technology for the purposes of teaching.

Graduate Profile

A graduates have a theoretical background in computer hardware and software. They are a qualified and flexible workers being able to adapt specific conditions at the working site.

Taught theoretical basis, especially in the field of mathematics, formal languages, algorithms, general principles of programming languages and object-oriented programming, etc., in combination with continuous preparation for mastering all aspects of research activities (including the ethical dimension in some aspects), where students use appropriate basic research procedures, provides quality preparation for both practice and further study in subsequent master's and subsequently doctoral study programmes. The aim of the programme is to develop students' ability to make independent and responsible decisions based on the framework assignment and to independently acquire additional professional knowledge, skills and competences based on personal practical experience and its evaluation. Already within the study of courses, students work in teams, where they strengthen the ability within the field to clearly and convincingly communicate their views on the issue, and problem solving and process and clearly summarize the views of other team members.

Graduates of the study programme are not only able to draw on broad theoretical knowledge in the field but are also qualified and adaptable professionals able to adapt to specific conditions in the workplace. Graduates are typically employed in professions such as analysts, designers, programmers, testers and maintenance specialists for computer applications (e.g., database and information systems, web applications, mobile devices), designers of computer systems, computer and computer network configuration specialists, secondary school IT teachers or a qualified computer businessmans.

If a graduate of the bachelor's study programme Information Technology has taken elective electrotechnical courses specified in more detail in the rules for drawing up study plans, this study programme constitutes for him/her a university bachelor's degree in another field of education, the content of which fulfils the requirements for electrotechnical education pursuant to Section 19 (2) (a) (3) of Act No.250/2021 Coll. on occupational safety in connection with the operation of reserved technical equipment and on amendments to related acts.

Occupational profiles of graduates

Nearly 100 % of FIT graduates can easily find a job these days. Even back in 2015, the average unemployment period was less than a month and according to the development at the labour market over the last couple years, we can expect that period to be significantly shorter these days. The interest in FIT graduates is further reflected by the fact that they take part in training practice during their studies.

Bachelor study programme graduates who do not continue in master degree programme find jobs in both small and medium firms as well as large companies. The employers are residential (39 %) and foreign (43 %) companies, that are usually dedicated to software and hardware development. FIT graduates employed by these companies are mostly regular employees (84 %), but a significant portion of them (15.2 %) also work in low-level to middle-level management and some of them (0.8 %) even in top-level management. FIT graduates show the highest satisfaction when it comes to their employment and salary.

Graduates are usually members of national and international development teams, that apply their knowledge in development of computer systems and applications, database and information systems, mobile and web applications, digital systems etc. Other jobs include positions such as computer systems installation technicians, network administrators or applications programmers. Graduates often start their businesses focused on development of mobile applications, database and information systems or web applications. They can find jobs also as secondary education teachers of information technology or as qualified entrepreneurs in the field of computing.

The qualities of FIT graduates that employers value the most are good basic theoretical knowledge, considerable practical capabilities, ability to work in team and high adaptability to specific workplace conditions.

Admission Requirements

Secondary education completed with the General Certificate of Secondary Education is the condition of admission to studies. An entrance exam is not a part of admissions. Instead of an entrance exam, the applicants take part in a selected test within the National Comparative Exams (NSZ) organized by SCIO company. The applicants can choose from OSP (General Study Presumptions), MAT (Mathematics) or VŠP (General Study Presumptions in Slovak). An applicant can sit for a selected test for free when he or she applies for admission soon enough. In case an applicant fulfils one of the announced conditions, he or she can ask for preferential admission and so avoid NSZ. The complete and updated rules for admissions are to be found at the following link: Current decrees can be found on

Conditions of graduation

A one-term study course is the basic teaching modulus of a study plan. Every field of study has compulsory courses (a student must pass all of them), compulsorily elective ones (a student chooses the required number of courses from each group of compulsorily optional courses or the required number of credits) and optional ones. A student chooses optional courses from a list within the given field. There are two groups of compulsory elective courses in the bachelor study programme: PVA - English (the student has to pass an English exam at the BAN4 level or higher level or have it recognized) and PVT - technical (the student has to pass one of the IVH, ICP, ICS, and IJA courses). Due to the participation of students from different countries, and thus often with different language education, in addition to the specialized course English for IT, the course English is included for students in order to ensure an equal level for completion of courses in this language.

A student of the Bachelor Degree Programme must gain at least 15 credits in the 1st term of the study and at least 30 credits in every year of the study. In case a student studies just one semester in a certain academic year, the number of credits to be obtained in this year is reduced to 15 credits). In case a student registered less than 60 credits, in order to be allowed to continue the studies it is enough for him or her to obtain at least a half of the registered credits in such a year. Credits from recognized courses are not included in obtained credits for this condition. In case a student does not obtain a sufficient number of credits in a certain part of the studies, his or her studies are terminated due to non-fulfilment of the requirements according to § 56 subsection 1 letter b) of Higher Education Act.

In order to finish the Bachelor Degree Study Programme it is necessary to complete courses successfully in the total extent of at least 180 credits, to prepare a bachelor's final thesis and to pass a state final exam. The state final exam consists of a bachelor's thesis defence and an oral part of the state final exam. The oral part consists of a technical discussion about one of the announced thematic areas between the student and members of the examining committee.

Rules for curriculum content setup

The compulsory courses are composed in a way to build prerequisites for the successor courses. There are 146 credits for compulsory courses. From the compulsory elective groups, it is necessary to complete at least one course of English from the PVA group at level B1 and higher and at least one compulsory elective technical course (PVT). Both the PVA and PVT groups are of type B groups in the terms of the MEYS methodology. Elective courses are offered after compulsory courses which prepare for them the theoretical background. The number of credits for elective courses is a supplement to 180 credits. The lesson is composed of 50-minute time slots.

Key learning outcomes

Students will understand all the layers of the computer based systems including hardware (semiconductor components, logic networks, processors, peripheral devices), software (control and data structures, object orientation, programming languages, compilers, operating systems, databases), as well as their common applications (information systems, computer networks, artificial intelligence, computer graphics and multimedia). They will understand foundations of computer science (discrete mathematics, formal languages and their models, spectral analysis of signals, modelling and simulation). Graduates will be able to analyse, design, implement, test, and maintain common computer applications. They will be able to work efficiently in teams.

Work experience

Specialised industrial practice is not required.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

The State Final Examination has two parts: A defence of the Bachelor Thesis, and an oral colloquium. This oral colloquium is based on compulsory courses.

Examples of theses
  • Exploitation of Graphics Processor as Accelerator - OpenCL Technology
  • Detection and Classification of Military Targets in a Videosignal
  • Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs
  • Retargeting of LLVM Platform for Motorola 68000 Microprocessor
  • Network Traffic Analysis Using NIFIC Device
  • OpenSceneGraph Components for Medical 3D Image Data Visualisation
  • Object Recognition by Neural Networks
  • Administrator Tools for Oracle 11g
  • Traffic Modelling Based on Cellular Automata
  • In-System Programmer for ICSP Interface of Pic Microcontrollers

Bachelor's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the bachelor's theses, including the details is available at:

Availability of literature
  • Faculty library offers students over 20 000 items, 55 magazine titles, 100 study seats, 20 seats with computers, 2 seminar rooms and reprographic services. The number of items was increased by 605 since 2017, with the total resources for development of library fund amounting to 800 thousand Czech crowns in 2017.
  • Aside from specialized labs, students can use 160 seats with computers in computer pavilions in the Computer centre.
  • All computers are connected to Internet and the whole faculty area is covered with Wi-Fi network, that can be used by all students as well as faculty employees.
  • Students have access to electronic form of presentations used during the lectures in practically all courses, most compulsory and compulsory-elective courses even offer study support materials.
  • All teachers are obliged to create a schedule for individual consultations prior to the beginning of a semester.
  • Both lecture complexes are equipped with audiovisual technology allowing lecture recording.
Availability for students with special needs

Brno university of technology provides studies for persons with health disabilities according to section 21 par. 1 e) of the Act no. 111/1998, about universities and about the change and supplementing other laws (Higher Education Act) as amended, and according to the requirements in this field arising from Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., on standards for accreditation in higher education, provides services for study applicants and students with specific needs within the scope and in form corresponding with the specification stated in Annex III to Rules for allocation of a financial contribution and funding for public universities by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, specifying financing additional costs of studies for students with specific needs.

Services for students with specific needs at BUT are carried out through the activities of specialized workplace - Alfons counselling center, which is a part of BUT Lifelong Learning Institute - Student counselling section.

Counselling center activities and rules for making studies accessible are guaranteed by the university through a valid Rector's directive 11/2017 concerning the status of study applicants and students with specific needs at BUT. This internal standard guarantees minimal stadards of provided services.
Services of the counselling center are offered to all study applicants and students with any and all types of health disabilities stated in the Methodological standard of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Availability of further education

It is not necessary to complete specific secondary schools to be accepted into the study program. However, it mostly follows schools such as secondary industrial and vocational schools with a focus on IT.Graduates can continue their studies within the master study programme Information technology at FIT BUT or within related degree programmes at other universities.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Graduation requirements
bachelor's thesis, final state examination
Programme Guarantor
ECTS departmental co-ordinator
Degree Programme Board
1. Kolář Dušan, doc. Dr. Ing.UIFS FIT VUT chairman
2. Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing.UPGM FIT VUT councillor internal
3. Dytrych Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D.UPGM FIT VUT councillor internal
4. Eysselt Miloš, Ing., CSc.UPSY FIT VUT councillor internal
5. Fučík Otto, doc. Dr. Ing.UPSY FIT VUT councillor internal
6. Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing.UITS FIT VUT councillor internal
7. Hliněná Dana, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.UMAT FEKT VUT councillor internal
8. Honzík Jan M., prof. Ing., CSc.UIFS FIT VUT councillor internal
9. Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc.UIFS FIT VUT councillor internal
10. Kinšt Ondřej, Bc.FIT VUT councillor internal
11. Křena Bohuslav, Ing., Ph.D.UITS FIT VUT councillor internal
12. Meduna Alexandr, prof. RNDr., CSc.UIFS FIT VUT councillor internal
13. Růžička Richard, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBAUPSY FIT VUT councillor internal
14. Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D.UIFS FIT VUT councillor internal
15. Sedlák David, Ing.FIT VUT councillor internal
16. Sekanina Lukáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.UPSY FIT VUT councillor internal
17. Veigend Petr, Ing., Ph.D.UITS FIT VUT councillor internal
18. Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.UITS FIT VUT councillor internal
19. Zaklová Kristýna, Ing.Děkanát FIT VUT councillor internal
20. Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c.UPGM FIT VUT councillor internal
Holder of the right to carry out the degree programme

Choose academic year and curriculum

This study plan is for students starting study in ac.y. 2019/20 or later.

A student must first register for and subsequently enroll in repeated compulsory courses and repeated elective courses. Following this, the student registers for and enrolls in compulsory and elective courses from the study plan for the relevant year. Only when this is done, the student may register for and enroll in elective courses. If a student does not register for, and subsequently enroll in, all the compulsory courses from the relevant study plan (except for Semester Project and Bachelor's Thesis), he/she may register for, and enroll in, a maximum of one elective course in the given semester.

Students of the 3rd year can submit an application to enroll in up to three any courses from the master's study programme. These courses will be treated as elective courses during bachelor's studies. Applications can be submitted via VUT IS (StudIS) in the Administrative procedures and applications module and will be reviewed with students' study results taken into consideration.

As of academic year 2022/23, the course IDM - Discrete Mathematics for 5 credits is divided into 2 courses: IDM - Discrete Mathematics for 4 credits and IZLO - Introduction to Logic for Computer Science. Students who have not taken IDM for 5 credits are required to enroll in the replacement courses IDM for 4 credits and IZLO for 2 credits at the earliest opportunity. Students who have completed the IDM for 5 credits will automatically have the IZLO recognized for 0 credits as an indication of a completed requirement. Failure to complete the original required IDM course for 5 credits does not count towards the ability to repeat the IZLO course.

In order for this study programme to be a higher bachelor's degree study programme from another field of education that meets the content requirements for electrical engineering education pursuant to Section 19 (2) (a) (3) of Act No.250/2021 Coll. on occupational safety in connection with the operation of reserved technical equipment and on amendments to related acts, the student must choose elective courses BPC-ELSA (Electrical Engineering Tutorial) and BPC-FYE (Physics in Electrical Engineering), which are important in terms of understanding the theory for assessing the risks that electricity can cause, and a minimum of 3 courses from the following groups A and B, which will have a total of at least 60 hours of laboratories to obtain the necessary practice, with at least 1 course from group A:

A) Courses with a major contribution to the field of electrical engineering

  • MPC-EIC - Electrical Installations, 20 h lab.
  • BPC-FY1B - Physics 1, 26 h lab.
  • BPC-ZSY - Security Systems, 26 h lab.
  • BPC-AUD - Audio Electronics, 26 h lab.
  • BPC-PSM - Printed Circuits and Surface Mount Technology, 18 h lab.
  • BPC-PRP - Robotics and Computer Vision, 39 h lab.

B) Courses with a minor contribution in the field of electrical engineering

  • BPC-AE1 - Analog Electronics 1, 26 h lab.
  • BPC-AE2 - Analog Electronics 2, 13 h lab.
  • BPC-ANA - Analog Technology, 14 h lab.
  • BPC-ELA - Electroacoustics 1, 22 h lab.

After completing the above courses and the compulsory courses IEL, INP and IMP, it is possible to take the course XPC-ELB (Safety in Electrical Engineering), which ends with anamination leading to the issue of a certificate of competence under Act No 250/2021 Coll. Graduates receive the certificate together with the bachelor's diploma, i.e. after completing the whole prescribed education.

1st year of study, winter semester

IDMDiscrete Mathematics4CCr+ExFIT
IELElectronics for Information Technology6CCr+ExFIT
ILGLinear Algebra5CCr+ExFIT
IUSIntroduction to Software Engineering5CCr+ExFIT
IZPIntroduction to Programming Systems7CCr+ExFIT
GENGeneral English Exam1CEAExFIT
ZAN4English exam at level B11CEAExFIT
1AHS-LApplied game studies – research and design3EExFaVU
1CU20st-ZCzech Art Between 1900–1945 in Contexts3EExFaVU
1DS-ZDigital Sculpture - 3D print 12ECrFaVU
1HS-ZGame Studies3EExFaVU
1ODI-Z3D Optical digitalization 12ECrFaVU
ACHE20Architecture of the 20th century3EExFaVU
ATGDGraphic design topics of today *)2ECrFaVU
BPC-DSYTax System of the Czech Republic2EClCrFEKT
BPC-ELSAElectrical Engineering Tutorial2ECrFEKT
BPC-FY1BPhysics 16ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-FYEPhysics in Electrical Engineering5ECr+ExFEKT
DEDE1-ZHistory of Design 1 - winter *)3EExFaVU
DEDE2-ZHistory of Design 2 - winter3EExFaVU
DKFI-ZThe History and Context of Photography 13EExFaVU
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2ECrCVP
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2ECrCVP
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3ECrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3ECrFIT
IFSSeminar of Physics2ECrFIT
IKKCircle Consultations0E-FIT
ISMSeminar of Mathematics2ECrFIT
IVGInformation Education and Literacy1ECrFIT
KPO-ZPorn studies3EExFaVU
PRMFundamentals of Law2ECrCVP
VSDH1Visual Digital Game Styles 12ECrFaVU
XPC-POMManagement Minimum4ECrFEKT

1st year of study, summer semester

IMA1Mathematical Analysis 14CCr+ExFIT
INCDigital Systems Design5CCr+ExFIT
IOSOperating Systems5CCr+ExFIT
ISUMachine Level Programming6CCr+ExFIT
IZLOIntroduction to Logic for Computer Science2CExFIT
0AXEnglish C1-23CEACr+ExFSI
AITEnglish for IT3CEACr+ExFIT
BAN1Headway Pre-Intermediate 13CEACr+ExFIT
BAN2Headway Pre-Intermediate 23CEACr+ExFIT
BAN3New Headway Intermediate 13CEACr+ExFIT
BAN4English for Bachelors - Intermediate 23CEACr+ExFIT
BPC-PA2Practical English 25CEAExFEKT
GENGeneral English Exam1CEAExFIT
0MSMathematical Software3ECrFSI
0MVCalculus with MAPLE2ECrFSI
0SEEnglish Skills for Workplace Communication3ECr+ExFSI
1CU20st-LCzech Art Between 1945–1990 in Contexts3EExFaVU
1DS-2Digital sculpture - 3D print 22ECrFaVU
1KADH-LDigital Games Critical Analyses3EExFaVU
1ODI-L3D Optical digitalization 22ECrFaVU
CNCCNC Machining / Robots in Artistic Practice3ECrFaVU
DEDE1-LHistory of Design 1 - summer *)3EExFaVU
DEDE2-LHistory of Design 2 - summer3EExFaVU
DKFII-LThe History and Context of Photography 23EExFaVU
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2ECrCVP
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3ECrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3ECrFIT
IJCThe C Programming Language5EExFIT
IMKMechanics and Acoustics *)6EClCrFIT
ISJScripting Languages5EExFIT
ITWWeb Design5EClCrFIT
ITYTypography and Publishing4EClCrFIT
IVSPractical Aspects of Software Design5EClCrFIT
N2German 23ECr+ExFSI
PLABBusiness Laboratory4EClCrFP
PRMFundamentals of Law2ECrCVP
T1FComputer Physics I3EClCrFSI
VSDH2Visual Digital Game Styles 22ECrFaVU
XPC-BENBusiness English3ECr+ExFEKT

2nd year of study, winter semester

IFJFormal Languages and Compilers5CCr+ExFIT
IMA2Mathematical Analysis 24CCr+ExFIT
INPDesign of Computer Systems6CCr+ExFIT
IPTProbability and Statistics5CCr+ExFIT
ISSSignals and Systems6CExFIT
0A9English C1-13CEACr+ExFSI
AITEnglish for IT3CEACr+ExFIT
BAN1Headway Pre-Intermediate 1 *)3CEACr+ExFIT
BAN2Headway Pre-Intermediate 2 *)3CEACr+ExFIT
BAN3New Headway Intermediate 13CEACr+ExFIT
BAN4English for Bachelors - Intermediate 23CEACr+ExFIT
BPC-PA1Practical English 15CEAExFEKT
BPC-PA3Practical English 35CEAExFEKT
0SEEnglish Skills for Workplace Communication3ECr+ExFSI
1ZHERVIntroduction to Game Development4EClCrFaVU
AEUEnglish for Europe3ECr+ExFIT
BPC-AE1Analog Electronics 17ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-ANAAnalog Technology6ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-ELAElectroacoustics 16ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-NRPDesign and Fabrication of Electronic Instruments6ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-PDSDesign of Data Networks5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-RBMRobotics and Robotic Manipulators4ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-UMIIntroduction to Medical Informatics5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-VPASelected parts from mathematics I.5EExFEKT
BPC-ZSYSecurity Systems5ECr+ExFEKT
DMSMDigital Marketing and Social Media5EClCrFP
F1French 12ECrFSI
FCEEnglish: Practical Course of Business Conversation and Presentation3ECrFIT
I1CNetwork Cabling and Routing (CCNA1+CCNA2)4EClCrFIT
ILIAdvanced Topics of Linux Administration4EClCrFIT
IMFMathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logic5EClCrFIT
INIIT Service Design and Implementation4EClCrFIT
IP1Project Practice 15EClCrFIT
IPSProgramming Seminar2ECrFIT
IPZPeripheral Devices *)3EExFIT
IW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems5ECr+ExFIT
IW5Programming .NET and C#5EClCrFIT
IZEPCorporate Economy4ECr+ExFIT
IfmiPFinancial Management for Informatics3EClCrFP
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3ECr+ExFIT
JS1Spanish for Beginners 1/23ECrFIT
N1German 12ECrFSI
N3German 32ECrFSI
N5German 52ECrFSI
N7German for Specific Purposes I4ECr+ExFSI
R1Russian 12ECrFSI
T2FComputer Physics II3EClCrFSI
XPC-FR1French for Beginners 13EClCrFEKT
XPC-IPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didactics5EExFEKT
XPC-KPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Texts5ECrFEKT
XPC-NE1German for Beginners 13EClCrFEKT
XPC-NE3German for Lower-Intermediate 13EClCrFEKT
XPC-PEPPedagogical Psychology5ECr+ExFEKT
XPC-RU1Russian for Beginners 13EClCrFEKT
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT
ftPFinancial Markets6ECr+ExFP
mak1PMacroeconomics 16ECr+ExFP

2nd year of study, summer semester

IDSDatabase Systems5CCr+ExFIT
IPKComputer Communications and Networks4CCr+ExFIT
IPPPrinciples of Programming Languages5CCr+ExFIT
IZGComputer Graphics Principles6CCr+ExFIT
IZUFundamentals of Artificial Intelligence4CCr+ExFIT
BPC-PA4Practical English 45CEAExFEKT
ICPThe C++ Programming Language4CETCrFIT
ICSThe C# Programming Language4CETClCrFIT
IJAJava Programming Language4CETCrFIT
0MRMobile Robots5ECrFSI
AEUEnglish for Europe3ECr+ExFIT
BPC-AE2Analog Electronics 26ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-AUDAudio Electronics5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-IOTCommunication Systems for IoT5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-MA2AMathematics 26ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-MOLIntroduction to Molecular Biology and Genetics5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-PPKComputer aided Design6EClCrFEKT
BPC-PRPRobotics and Computer Vision7ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-PSMPrinted Circuits and Surface Mount Technology5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-ZSLMedical Imaging Systems5ECr+ExFEKT
BPC-ZSWAudio Software2ECrFEKT
F2French 23ECr+ExFSI
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2ECrCVP
HDSTax System7ECr+ExFSI
I2CLAN Switching, Accessing the WAN (CCNA3+4)4EClCrFIT
IAMAdvanced Mathematics5EClCrFIT
IANBinary Code Analysis4EClCrFIT
IBSSecurity and Computer Networks4ECr+ExFIT
IIZIBM zSeries Servers5EClCrFIT
IP2Project Practice 25EClCrFIT
IPAAdvanced Assembly Languages *)5EExFIT
ITPPersonal Computers *)4EExFIT
ITSTesting and Dynamic Analysis5ECr+ExFIT
IW2Microsoft Windows Server Systems5ECr+ExFIT
IZAProgramming Apple Devices5EExFIT
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3ECr+ExFIT
JS2Spanish for Beginners 2/23ECr+ExFIT
KdasPTax System6ECr+ExFP
N4German 43ECr+ExFSI
N6German 64ECr+ExFSI
N8German for Specific Purposes II4ECr+ExFSI
PRISInformation Systems Law5EExFP
R2Russian 23ECr+ExFSI
XPC-EICElectrical Installations5EClCrFEKT
XPC-ELBSafety in Electrical Engineering2EExFEKT
XPC-FR2French for Beginners 23EExFEKT
XPC-IPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didactics5EExFEKT
XPC-KPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Texts5ECrFEKT
XPC-NE2German for Beginners 23ECr+ExFEKT
XPC-NE4German for Lower-Intermediate 23EExFEKT
XPC-PEPPedagogical Psychology5ECr+ExFEKT
XPC-RU2Russian for Beginners 2 *)3ECr+ExFEKT
XPC-VPMSelected parts from mathematics II.5EExFEKT
ZFIBasic Elements of Financing6ECr+ExFP
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT
fapPFinancial Analysis and Planning5ECr+ExFP
mik1PMicroeconomics 16ECr+ExFP

3rd year of study, winter semester

IISInformation Systems4CCr+ExFIT
IMPMicroprocessors and Embedded Systems6CCr+ExFIT
IMSModelling and Simulation5CCr+ExFIT
ISANetwork Applications and Network Administration5CCr+ExFIT
ITTTerm Thesis5CCrFIT
ITUUser Interface Programming5CClCrFIT
BPC-RR1Control Theory 17ECr+ExFEKT
IP3Project Practice 35EClCrFIT
IZVData Analysis and Visualization in Python4EClCrFIT

3rd year of study, summer semester

IBTBachelor's Thesis13CCrFIT
BPC-RR2Control Theory 26ECr+ExFEKT
IMUMultimedia Transmission over IP Networks *)4EClCrFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective

Compulsory-elective groups

AbbrvMin. coursesMax. coursesMin.credOver asCoursesTitle
A1-41-4BAN4E0A9, 0AX, AIT, BAN1, BAN2, BAN3, BAN4, BPC-PA1, BPC-PA2, BPC-PA3, BPC-PA4, GEN, ZAN4English
T194EICP, ICS, IJA, IVHTechnical course
If you are allowed to enroll more CE courses than the required minimum, then successfully completed courses that exceed Min. courses (or Min.cred, if not 0) of the CE group, will be assigned as courses of duty Over as.
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