Publication Details
Enhancing Retail Location Decisions in City of Brno: An Application of Geospatial Analysis Tools
Zaklová Kristýna, Ing. (DFIT-ISD)
Hynek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
John Petr, Ing. (DIFS)
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS)
analytical hierarchy process, decision support system, geo-visualization, kernel
density estimation, location-based decision-making, open data, retail site
decision process
Location plays a key role in the success of a business. No amount of property
features such as building, decorating, or price can overcome the negative impact
of a poor location. A strategically positioned business not only reduces
financial risks but also enhances the likelihood of achieving success. This work
aims to develop a user-friendly information system to assist retailers in making
informed location decisions. The system utilizes a well-known methodology based
on Kernel Density Estimation, evaluating geo-demand and geo-competition, and the
Analytical Hierarchy Process to determine a suitable location. The results are
presented on the open datasets provided by the City of Brno, the second largest
city in the Czech Republic. It allows users to choose between 84 types of
business and display precalculated heatmaps of hot spots representing areas of
a high range of commercial services. Then, the users are provided with the tool
to evaluate their own locations of interest based on their own defined criteria.
The results demonstrate the practical use of theoretical methodology with real
data, evaluating its usability and performance aspects.
author="Oleksandr {Turytsia} and Kristýna {Zaklová} and Jiří {Hynek} and Petr {John} and Tomáš {Hruška}",
title="Enhancing Retail Location Decisions in City of Brno: An Application of Geospatial Analysis Tools",
booktitle="Information Systems Engineering and Management",
series="Information Systems Engineering and Management",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland AG",