Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Audio and Speech Processing by Humans and MachinesASDW0Ex
Graphical User Interfaces in JavaGJAW5Cr+Ex
Graphical and Sound Interfaces and StandardsGZNW5Ex
Scripting LanguagesISJS5Ex
Signals and SystemsISSW5Ex
User Interface ProgrammingITUW5ClCr
User Interface Programming (in English)ITUeW5ClCr
Practical Aspects of Software DesignIVSS5ClCr
Computer Graphics PrinciplesIZGS6Cr+Ex
Classification and recognitionKRDS0Ex
Advanced Methods of 3D Scene VisualisationMMDW0Ex
Multimedia (in English)MULeS5Ex
Modern Methods of Speech ProcessingMZDW0Ex
Optimal Control and IdentificationORIDW0Ex
Computer GraphicsPGDW0Ex
Advanced Computer Graphics (in English)PGPaW5Ex
Computer Graphics (in English)PGReW5Ex
Computer GraphicsPGRW5Ex
Computer Vision (in English)POVaW5Ex
Application Development for Mobile Devices (in English)TAMaW5ClCr
Computational GeometryVGES5Ex
Computer ArtVINW5ClCr
Visualization and CAD (in English)VIZaS5ClCr
Computational PhotographyVYFS5ClCr
Natural Language ProcessingZPDW0Ex
Image ProcessingZPOS5Ex
Speech Signal ProcessingZRES5Ex
Graphical User Interfaces in Java (in English)GJAeW5Cr+Ex
Signals and Systems (in English)ISSeW5Ex
Speech Signal Processing (in English)ZREeS5Ex
Image Processing (in English)ZPOeS5Ex
Computational Geometry (in English)VGEeS5Ex
User Experience and Design of User Interfaces and Services (in English)UXIaS5ClCr
Natural Language Processing (in English)ZPJaW5Ex
Machine Learning and RecognitionSURS5Ex
Convolutional Neural NetworksKNNS5ClCr
Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningSUIW5Ex
Bayesian Models for Machine Learning (in English)BAYaW5Ex
Cyber-Physical Systems Design (in English)CPSaS5Cr+Ex
Modern Trends in Informatics (in English)MTIaS4ClCr
Circle ConsultationsIKKW0-
Year Project 2YP2aS5ClCr
Essentials of Work and Study in Research and Technology 1WP1aW1Cr
Essentials of Work and Study in Research and Technology 2WP2aS1Cr
Signals and SystemsISSkW5Ex
Compl - Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
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