Study Plan

MIT-EN for ac.y. 2024/25

Programme: Master of Information Technology

Level of Education: Master

Academic Year: 2024/2025

The student must first sign up for the compulsory courses for the corresponding year of study. The required number of credits is then achieved by signing up to electory courses.

1st year of study, winter semester

IFJeFormal Languages and Compilers (in English)5CCr+ExFIT
MATeMathematical Structures in Computer Science (in English)5CExFIT
WP1aEssentials of Work and Study in Research and Technology 11CCrFIT
YP1aYear Project 15CCrFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

TINeTheoretical Computer Science (in English)5CCr+ExFIT
WP2aEssentials of Work and Study in Research and Technology 21CCrFIT
YP2aYear Project 25CClCrFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

SEPaSemester Project (in English)5CClCrFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

DIPaMaster's Thesis (in English)13CCrFIT

all years of study, winter semester

PDBeAdvanced Database Systems (in English)5CCr+ExFIT
VYPaCompiler Construction (in English)5CExFIT
BAYaBayesian Models for Machine Learning (in English)5CEBExFIT
GALeGraph Algorithms (in English)5CEBExFIT
HSCeHardware/Software Codesign (in English)5CEBCr+ExFIT
PDIeDistributed Application Environment (in English) *)5CEBExFIT
TAMaApplication Development for Mobile Devices (in English)5CEBClCrFIT
BIOeBiometric Systems (in English) *)5ECr+ExFIT
BRIaBrain Computer Interface5EExFIT
CZSaDigital Signal Processing (in English)5EExFIT
GJAeGraphical User Interfaces in Java (in English)5ECr+ExFIT
MPA-MENMicroelectronics in English3EClCrFEKT
PGPaAdvanced Computer Graphics (in English)5EExFIT
PGReComputer Graphics (in English)5EExFIT
PKSaAdvanced Communication Systems *)5ECr+ExFIT
POVaComputer Vision (in English)5EExFIT
ROBaRobotics (in English)5EExFIT
ZPJaNatural Language Processing (in English)5EExFIT

all years of study, summer semester

PDSeData Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols (in English)5CExFIT
UXIaUser Experience and Design of User Interfaces and Services (in English)5CClCrFIT
CPSaCyber-Physical Systems Design (in English)5CEBCr+ExFIT
DFAaDigital Forensics (in English)5CEBExFIT
SLOaComplexity (in English)5CEBExFIT
VIZaVisualization and CAD (in English)5CEBClCrFIT
ZPOeImage Processing (in English)5CEBExFIT
CSOaCCNA Cybersecurity Operations (in English)5EClCrFIT
FYOePhysical Optics (in English)5EExFIT
MTIaModern Trends in Informatics (in English)4EClCrFIT
MULeMultimedia (in English)5EExFIT
VGEeComputational Geometry (in English)5EExFIT
VNVeHigh Performance Computations (in English)5EExFIT
ZREeSpeech Signal Processing (in English)5EExFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective

Compulsory-elective groups

AbbrvMin. coursesMax. coursesMin.credOver asCoursesTitle
B30EBAYa, CPSa, DFAa, GALe, HSCe, PDIe, SLOa, TAMa, VIZa, ZPOeTechnical Courses
If you are allowed to enroll more CE courses than the required minimum, then successfully completed courses that exceed Min. courses (or Min.cred, if not 0) of the CE group, will be assigned as courses of duty Over as.
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