Course details

Strategic Management of Information Systems

SRI Acad. year 2023/2024 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

Management of information systems, services and resources. Solving of the strategic questions and role of the informatics as the basic competitiveness of a company in the information society. Analysis of ICT use given the corresponding economic and non-economic benefits. Main subjects are focused on the strategic management in relation to business management.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction



Examination (written)

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 2 hrs exercises
  • 4 hrs pc labs
  • 20 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 56 pts final exam (written part)
  • 20 pts mid-term test (written part)
  • 6 pts labs
  • 18 pts projects




Learning objectives

The main goal of the course is to simplify orientation and the use of modern principals of business informatics management with respect to planning and control of additional informatics services. Main emphasis is given on technical, business, and managerial abilities enabling us a design of effective and safe information systems, which support business activities, processes, and services in order to satisfy business requirements and needs (to gain competitive advantages).

  • Understanding of the role and function of the information system in relation to business goals, understanding of the mutual relations among the different types of the company strategies (business, information, knowledge management, IT).
  • Development of the knowledge and experiences in IS/IT domain with respect to the possibilities in use of the most newest knowledge and practices in business sphere.
  • Introduction to IS description possibilities according to various points of view (SOA, MDA, etc.).
  • Introduction to the basic standards for business informatics management - ITIL and COBIT.
  • IS/IT security understanding, especially variants of IS protection and protection of information stored in the IS.
  • Business process/services modeling techniques understanding (ARIS Designer).
  • Knowledge of IS development methods/methodologies with focus on actual needs of business domain.
  • Introduction to Business Continuity Management.
  • Understanding of IS/IT auditing with aim of a better interconnection and usage in practice.

Why is the course taught

A suitable connection of technical, business, and managerial abilities enabling us a design of effective and safe information systems, which support business activities, processes, and services poses important prerequisites for efficient and successful business informatics management.

Study literature

  • Francesca, M.: Řízení bezpečnosti informací. 2. vydání Praha: Professional Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7431-050-8.
  • Bureš, V.:Systémové myšlení pro manažery. 1. vydání Praha: Professional Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7431-037-9.
  • Růčková, P.: Corporate Governance v České republice. 1. vydání Praha: Professional Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-80-86946-87-0.
  • Klčová, H., Sodomka, P.: Informační systémy v podnikové praxi. 2. vydání Praha: Computer Press, 2011. ISBN 978-80-25128-78-7.
  • Pour, J., Gála, L., Šedivá, Z.: Podniková informatika. 2. vydání Praha:
    Grada Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2615-1.
  • Molnár, Z.: Efektivnost informačních systémů. Grada Publishing, 2001.
  • Voříšek, Jiří. Strategické řízení informačního systému a systémová integrace. Management Press, 2005. ISBN 80-8594-340-9.
  • Voříšek, J., Pavelka, J., Vít, M.. Aplikační služby IS/ICT formou ASP - Proč a jak pronajímat informatické služby. 2003. ISBN 80-247-0620-2.
  • Gála, Pour, Toman: Podniková informatika. Grada Publishing, 2006.
  • Buchalcevová, Metodiky vývoje a údržby informačních systémů, Grada Publishing, 2004.
  • Action Benson, R.J., Bugnitz T.L,Walton, W.B. From Business strategy to IT. 2004.
  • Manuel Laguna, Johan Marklund: Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design. Prentice Hall, 2004.
  • John K. Halvey and Barbara Murphy Melby. Business Process Outsourcing: Process, Strategies, and Contracts. 2007.

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction to strategic management of IS/ICT and business modeling.
  2. Process management.
  3. Business Process Reengineering.
  4. Methods, techniques and standards of business process modeling.
  5. IT Governence: Introduction to ITIL, COBIT / SIX SIGMA 
  6. Service Oriented Architectures.
  7. Software as a Service ((SaaS).
  8. Sourcing strategies and optimization of the company IS/ICT (in-house, outsourcing, ASP).
  9. Effectiveness of IS/ICT (IS/ICT metrics - performance, costs and benefit.
  10. IS/IT Security - basic concepts, security in context of strategic management.
  11. IS/IT Security - II.
  12. Business Continuity Management.
  13. IS/IT Audit.

Syllabus of computer exercises

  1. Introduction (Visual Paradigm)
  2. Modeling of the processes and IT

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  • Students work in teams (4 students in a team)
  • They analyze and model the chosen process in the defined software tools (Visual Paradigm)

Progress assessment

The individual task (2x5 points).
The individual project (8 points).
A mid-term test (20 points).
A final exam (56 points).
PC labs (6 points).

A mid-term test, a final exam. The minimal number of points which can be obtained from the final exam is 20. Otherwise, no points will be assigned to the student. The attandance in PC labs is awarded points. A possibility of  a substitute is by an individual task.

How to contact the teacher

by email

Course inclusion in study plans

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