Publication Details
Proceedings of 4th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science
Antoš David, Mgr.
Češka Milan, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Kotásek Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.
Křetínský Mojmír, prof. RNDr., CSc. (CM-SFE)
Matyska Luděk
Workshop, proceedings, parallel and distributed computing, GRID computing, computer networks and applications, computer security, theoretical foundations of computer science, formal verification, simulation, software and hardware testing and dependability, computer architectures, and quantum computing.
The International Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering
Methods in Computer Science 2008 (MEMICS'08) is the fourth in the row of three day workshops organised in South Moravia by Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University through their Faculty of Information Technology and Faculty of Informatics. This year, MEMICS is held in Znojmo, Czech Republic, on 14--16 November 2008. The MEMICS workshops are intended to provide an opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work in an international environment. The workshop was established by the above mentioned two faculties within the project Integrated Approach to Education of PhD Students in the Area of Parallel and Distributed Systems financially supported by the Czech Science Foundation. All the areas of computer science covered by MEMICS share a common ground---their relationship to parallel or distributed systems, both in theory as well as applications.
editor="Tomáš {Vojnar} and David {Antoš} and Milan {Češka} and Zdeněk {Kotásek} and Mojmír {Křetínský} and Luděk {Matyska}",
title="Proceedings of 4th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science",
publisher="Faculty of Informatics MU",