Publication Details
Protocol Proving and Model-Checking: A First-Look Experience
protocol, verification, model checking, formal methods
This paper presents a comparative study of practical experience applying current tools on protocol verification. The goal of the study is to inform about different verification tools and their practical usage. Our test is focused on Spin - a popular model checker; futhermore on theorem prover systems - PVS and Isabelle. Model checking and theorem proving introduce two different verification approaches. The paper brings practical experience with installation and utilization of these systems for protocol verification. The comparative study is demonstrated on a simplified communication protocol that is formally specified and its features are checked by the verification system. The first part of the paper describes verification system used, and lessons learned during downloading, installation, and execution. The second part of the document introduces a case study applied on those three tested systems. A simplified model of LDAP protocol is selected for this task. The last part compares the results achieved.
author="Petr {Matoušek} and Jaroslav {Ráb} and Pavel {Výšek}",
title="Protocol Proving and Model-Checking: A First-Look Experience",
booktitle="IEEE ECBS - Joint Workshop on Formal Specifications of Computer-Based Systems",