Publication Details
Distributed simulation environment
Simulation, DEVS formalism,Parallel-DEVS, distributed simulation, multiagent system
Main aim of thispaper is to present our approach for simplify distributed simulationenvironment design and implementation. We used multiagent system as a basicdistribution engine. Agent holds model part, controls simulation process,controls load optimization in distributed system orhandles storing data. As a basic modelling tool is used DEVS formalism.Formalism has advantageous properties for use in the distributed simulationenvironment. For example model described by DEVS formalism has hierarchicalstructure and it can be simple divided between computation nodes. From theuser's view is this formalism relatively simple and transparent. Multiagentsystem technology together with DEVS formalism allows creating user friendlydistributed simulation environment with minimum demands on system's developer.
author="Pavel {Slavíček}",
title="Distributed simulation environment",
booktitle="MEMICS 2005",