Publication Details
Event Editor - The Multi-Modal Annotation Tool
Kadlec Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D.
Multi Modal Data, Annotation, Events, Actions
This contribution presents a multi-modal annotation tool developed to simplify tasks of searching information in multi-modal data and to shorten the testing time of developed algorithms working with multi-modal data (image and speech recognition, tracking algorithms etc.). Many annotation tools are limited by its approach: annotate in a real-time or frame-by-frame manner which is limiting possibilities of precise annotation (real-time annotation tools) or increase time spent by annotation (frame-by-frame annotation tools). The presented annotation tool allows for annotations to be done in real-time with easy frame-precise corrections which decreases time spent by annotation and increases annotation precision.
author="Stanislav {Sumec} and Jaroslav {Kadlec}",
title="Event Editor - The Multi-Modal Annotation Tool",
booktitle="Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI)",