Project Details
semANT - Sémantický průzkumník textového kulturního dědictví
Project Period: 1. 3. 2023 – 31. 12. 2027
Project Type: grant
Code: DH23P03OVV060
Agency: Ministerstvo kultury ČR
digital library, topic identification, semantic document search, content exploration, content visualization
The main goal of this project is therefore to improve the possibilities of searching in the full-text representation of digitized documents at the level of text meaning and the possibilities of natural navigation between thematically similar documents. We provide users with a full-text search extended by understanding the meaning of queries, the ability to search by parts of the text (such as paragraphs) with the ability to specify at the same time the topic that interests him in the text. The system will work with automatically identified topics, but will allow users to define their own topics based on examples from texts.
Beneš Karel, Ing. (DCGM)
Dočekal Martin, Ing. (DCGM)
Fajčík Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Kavalová Radka, Mgr. (RCIT)
Kišš Martin, Ing. (DCGM)
Kohút Jan, Ing. (DCGM)
Lampa Petr, Ing. (CVT)
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DCGM)