Product Details

Platform for Evaluation of Image Classifiers

Created: 2007

Czech title
Software pro vyhodnocení obrazových klasifikátorů
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Evaluation, classification, image processing, face database.


During the work on the paper "Platform for Evaluation of Image Classifiers", we
have created many software tools which together with some shell and awk scripts
which form the classifier evaluation platform.

There is some face data and the MNIST hand written digit database available. You
can also create your own datasets using our tools. You can use the annotation
program to annotate some regions in images and use dataset generator to create
dataset from such annotations. The dataset generator resizes the annotated
regions to specified size and can also add some random or fixed affine
transformations and Gaussian noise. You can mannage the datasets with our
merging and mixing tools.

When the data is prepared, you can use our implementation of AdaBoost (odkaz) or
any other algorithm to train classifiers and evaluate the results using
evaluation scripts.

Centre of computer graphics, MŠMT, Centra základního výzkumu, LC06008, start: 2006-03-01, end: 2011-12-31, completed
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