Product Details
Detekce abnormálního chování
Created: 2009
trajectory analysis, abnormal, behaviour, detection
[[table]][[tr]][[td]] This work explores methods for automatic processing of trajectories obtained from surveillance systems. It is possible to determine whether behavior of object corresponds with known behavior described by trajectory pattern. From surveillance systems point of view are interesting situations with abnormal behavior (walk on escalator in opposite direction, jumping over turnpike). Explored approach was tested on data from Torino subway surveillance system. [[/td]][[td width="370"]][[p align=center]][[object width="350" height="300"]][[param name="movie" value=""]][[/param]][[param name="wmode" value="transparent"]][[/param]][[embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="350" height="300"]][[/embed]][[/object]][[/p]] [[/td]][[/tr]][[/table]]