Flexible probe for lawful interceptions, MV, Program bezpečnostního výzkumu ČR v letech 2015-2022 (BV III/1-VS), VI20192022143, 2019-2022, running
Cooperation in the development of the Turris Omina router, CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o., 2016-2025, running
Monitoring the Internet of things wireless networks for security reseasons, CESNET, 2016-2017, completed
Design of a system for testing security in IPv6 networks and processing incidents containing private addresses, CESNET, 2015-2016, completed
Smart Application Aware Embedded Probes, MV, Bezpečnostní výzkum České republiky 2015-2020, VI20152019001, 2015-2019, running
Development of Turris router, CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o., 01032014, 2014, completed
New product development for Racom company, RACOM s.r.o., 2014-2015, completed
Transport systems development centre, TAČR, Centra kompetence, TE01020155, 2012-2018, completed
Verifikace a optimalizace počítačových systémů, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-12-1, 2012-2014, completed
Advanced secured, reliable and adaptive IT, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-11-1, 2011-2013, completed
Modern Tools for Detection and Mitigation of Cyber Criminality on the New Generation Internet, MV, Program bezpečnostního výzkumu České republiky 2010 - 2015, VG20102015022, 2010-2015, completed
Natural Computing on Unconventional Platforms, GACR, Standardní projekty, GAP103/10/1517, 2010-2013, running
Secured, reliable and adaptive computer systems, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-10-1, 2010, completed
Mathematical and Engineering Approaches to Developing Reliable and Secure Concurrent and Distributed Computer Systems, GACR, Doktorské granty, GD102/09/H042, 2009-2012, completed