Chytré informační technologie pro odolnou společnost, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-23-8209, 2023-2026, running
Metody AI pro zabezpečení kybernetického prostoru a řídicí systémy, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-20-6293, 2020-2023, completed
Artificial Intelligence Driven Autonomy, TAČR, Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000029, TN01000029/02, 2019-2020, completed
Electromobile charger - 4th stage, KPB INTRA s.r.o., 2019, completed
Electromobile charger - 2nd stage, KPB INTRA s.r.o., 2018, completed
Electromobile charger - 3nd stage, KPB INTRA s.r.o., 2018, completed
KPB Intra - User interface of EV charge station, KPB INTRA s.r.o., 2017, completed
Nástroje, metody a technologie ICT pro podporu konceptu smart cities, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-17-3964, 2017-2020, completed
Preparation of algorithms and software for processing of data and VoIP transmissions for FPGA, embedded processors and PC, CAMEA, 2017, completed
Škoda auto - Cloud computing analýza: porovnání dostupných cloudových řešení, ŠKODA AUTO VŠ, 2017, completed
Tools and methods for video and image processing to improve effectivity of rescue and security services operations, MV, Bezpečnostní výzkum České republiky 2015-2020, VI20172020068, 2017-2020, running
Web Application Industry Dictionary 4.0, ŠKODA AUTO VŠ, 2017, completed
IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT, Národní program udržitelnosti II, LQ1602, 2016-2020, completed
Research and Development Tasks, CODASIP, 2015-2029, running
Algorithms, Design Methods, and Many-Core Execution Platform for Low-Power Massive Data-Rate Video and Image Processing, MŠMT, Společné technologické iniciativy, 7H14002, 2014-2017, completed
Výzkum pokročilých metod ICT a jejich aplikace, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-14-2299, 2014-2016, completed
Excellent Young Researchers at BUT, EU, OP VK - Oblast podpory 2.3 - Lidské zdroje ve VaV, EE2.3.30.0039, 2012-2015, completed
Interdisciplinary teaching and practice in medical electronics and informatics, EU, OPVK Terciární vzdělávání, výzkum a vývoj 2.2, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0192, 2012-2014, completed
Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores, MŠMT, Společné technologické iniciativy, 7HZC13005, 2012-2015, completed
Improving Security of the Internet by Using System for Analyzing of Malicious Code Spreading, TAČR, Program aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje ALFA, TA01010858, 2011-2013, completed
The IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, MŠMT, Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace, ED1.1.00/02.0070, 2011-2015, completed
Workflow System as an Effective Instrument of Business Process Reengineering, MPO, TIP, FR-TI3/039, 2011-2015, completed
Mathematical and Engineering Approaches to Developing Reliable and Secure Concurrent and Distributed Computer Systems, GACR, Doktorské granty, GD102/09/H042, 2009-2012, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, 2007-2013, running
IT Professionals - Graduates Competitiveness Increase for European Labour Market, CZ.04.1.03/, 2006-2007, completed
Language and development environment for microprocessor design, MPO, TANDEM, FT-TA3/128, 2006-2010, completed
Ontologies and Semantic Web, FR2877/2006/G1, 2006, completed
Research and application of systems for large data analysis and decision support, MPO, TANDEM, FT-TA3/162, 2006-2010, completed
A Framework for Formal Specifications and Prototyping of Information System's Network Applications, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/05/0723, 2005-2007, completed
Information system security - research of attacks on tamper-resistant cryptographic hardware, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/04/0871, 2004-2006, completed
Cooperation of Universities in Supporting the State Struggle with Computer Crime, 2002-2003, completed
InterpRISe - Interregional Co-operation for Promoting Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) in Europe, Phare 00-0047, 2002, completed
Environment for Development, Modelling, and Application of Heterogeneous Systems, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/01/1485, 2001-2003, completed
Object-oriented Database Model, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/96/0986, 1996-1998, completed