doc. Ing.

Martin Čadík


Associate professor

+420 54114 1272
L231 Office
168625/BUT personal ID


Consulting hours

Please reserve your slot in wiki, or send me an email.

Guaranteed courses

VYF Computational Photography
Czech, summer, DCGM
VIN Computer Art
Czech, winter, DCGM
1ZHERV Introduction to Game Development
Czech, winter, AHM

Lectured courses

1ZHERV Introduction to Game Development
Lecture, Czech, winter, AHM
VIN Computer Art
Lecture, Czech, winter, DCGM
VYF Computational Photography
Lecture, Project, Czech, summer, DCGM
PGPa Advanced Computer Graphics (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, DCGM
POVa Computer Vision (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, DCGM
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