Category: news
Day: 18 December 2020
IT Spy:Thesis from FIT in TOP 10 of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
The split 4th-10th place of the IT Spy competition went to Roman Andriushchenko from FIT. His diploma thesis, supervised by Milan Češka Jr., deals with computer-aided synthesis of probabilistic models. The work significantly increases the speed and accuracy of probability programs. These play a significant part in various areas of engineering and in fact represent the design of programs whose goal is to determine unknown parameters in order to achieve a given result. These programs can be used, for example, to design a communication protocol capable of transferring a specified amount of data, or to find optimal strategies for areas such as energy consumption management. The expert jury, made up of leading academics and business representatives, selected the best works out of over 1,400 diploma theses in the field of computer science from Czech and Slovak universities.