Category: news
Day: 25 May 2019
120 years of BUT at FIT: Open Day
On 25 May, BUT was celebrating its 120th anniversary and organised Open Days at all its faculties.
Visitors to the Open Day at the Faculty of Information Technology could see the faculty laboratories, which were accessible from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For example, they could visit a biometric or robotic laboratory, see what it is like to be under a cyber-attack, try working with an interactive sand box or experience the way in which photographs can be viewed in virtual reality. The Museum of Computer Technology, which maps the development of computer technology with exhibits of memories from the first computers, was also opened and the visitors could likewise attend an exhibition of students' photographs. A lecture was held at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., describing how the faculty changed over the 55 years from the establishment of the Department of Automatic Computers and how it looked today. At 12 noon, visitors were taken for a tour of the faculty with one of the authors of the reconstruction, architect Aleš Burian.
The celebrations of the 120th anniversary of BUT continued in the afternoon with a music festival held at the Pod Palackého vrchem campus.