Mavenir s.r.o.
bronze partner
Who we are:
- American company, based in Dallas, with a large R&D center in Brno (230+ engineers)
- Vendor of Wireless and Telecom market solutions
- Leader in mobile messaging, VoLTE, 5G, security and consumer services
- Customer base of 350+ operators in 150+ countries
- 60% of the world's population rely on our technologies
- We are a company with many working opportunities, company where you can learn and grow fast
Event Partner
FIT Guarantor
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
- BP: Recegnition of Repeating SMS Patterns, supervisor: Holík Lukáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., completed, 2020
- DP: Metody detekce DDoS v mobilních sítích, supervisor: Pluskal Jan, Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2019
- DP: SS7 Honeypoty - proaktivní ochrana proti podvodům v mobilních sítích, supervisor: Pluskal Jan, Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2019