Course details

Analog Electronics 2

BPC-AE2 FEKT BPC-AE2 Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 6 credits

Current academic year

This course improves and extends gained knowledge from Analog electronics 1 in the area of practical analog circuit design and brings an amount of new areas that are essential for designers of analog electronic circuits. The circuits for signal shaping, basic transistor building blocks (differential pairs), design of single stage transistor amplifiers (including bias point), switching applications, guidelines of practical work with operational amplifiers and their specific nonstandard applications, comparative operations, flip-flop circuits and multivibrators, circuits for signal generation, etc. belong to the fundamental skills of bachelor students focused on weak current electronics. The solved examples at lectures are supported by computer (OrCAD PSpice, Snap, Matlab) and laboratory exercises.



Language of instruction




Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 6 hrs exercises
  • 13 hrs laboratories
  • 13 hrs pc labs




Learning objectives

Lectures aim on specific areas of analog circuits and systems focused on impulse, switching, comparative and other linear and nonlinear applications of transistors, operational amplifiers and modern active elements. In addition, these activities target especially on practical utilization of gained knowledge.


The graduate (1) understands problems of selected practically oriented areas (emphasis of design) of analog electronics. The area of gained skills belongs to knowledge of fundamental principle of shaping and switching applications, simple transistor stages and comparators, non-sinusoidal signal generation, etc. The graduate (2) is able to evaluate suitability of active elements for expected application, (3) to select optimal approach, topology, concept, (4) to design/calculate values of circuit elements for specific required operational parameters and (5) to verify operation of circuit by computer simulation and experimentally in laboratory.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Students registering for the course should be able to explain the basic principles of electrotechnics, electronic elements, high-school mathematics, basis of experimental work and basis of computer simulation.


Laboratory exercises require qualification „safety in electrical engineering“ available after training course and examination provided before start of semester (or experimental part of education) by special notice from office for foreign students (see official emails and communication!!!)


Study literature

  • SENANI, Raj, D. R BHASKAR, R. K SHARMA a V. K SINGH. Sinusoidal Oscillators and Waveform Generators using Modern Electronic Circuit Building Blocks. Imprint: Springer, 2016. ISBN 9783319237114.

Syllabus of lectures

1. Unipolar transistors (depletion and enhancement mode, induced channel, description of basic models, definition of parameters for design of applications)

2. Design of simple amplification stages with unipolar transistor (parameters and bias point, nonlinear transfer response, dynamic behavior, frequency responses)

3. Design of tunable single- and multi-phase oscillators (characteristic equation, phase-shift relations, amplitude stabilization, electronic frequency tunability, tunability range extension)

4. Nonlinear diode transfer shapers, limiters and their applications

5. Transient responses of impulse signals (parameters of square-wave signal, propagation of signal by linear and nonlinear system, frequency dependent two-ports, time constants)

6. Bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor based power switches (single and multi-stage switches, switching losses, character of load, ringing precautions)

7. Analog comparators (suitable active elements, typical topologies and design)

8. Discrete and integrated flip-flop circuits (transistor-based bistable, monostable and astable version, NE555, special active elements)

9. Design of tunable non-sinusoidal waveform generators (relaxation generator, lossy/lossless integrator in topology, pulse width modulation)

10. Operational amplifiers in selected applications (shapers, transformers, current sources, level detectors)

11. Guidelines for practical work with operational amplifiers (frequency response correction, capacity load, asymmetry, slew-rate, supply, noises, ESD)

12. Bipolar and unipolar analog building blocks (differential pair, nonlinear analysis, linearization, operational transconductance amplifier, simple Miller opamp)

13. Modern active elements for design of analog circuits and examples of applications


Syllabus of numerical exercises

1. Design examples of unipolar transistor based amplifier stages

2. Derivation and discussion of characteristic equation, design of oscillators and amplitude stabilization

3. Design of triangular to sine wave diode shaper

4. Transient step response derivation of basic linear two-ports

5. Design of multi-stage bipolar switch

6. Design examples of selected comparators, flip-flop timing and nonharmonic generators


Syllabus of laboratory exercises

1. Unipolar transistor-based amplifiers

2. Voltage controlled quadrature oscillator

3. Diode shapers and limiters

4. Transistor switches

5. Comparators

6. Discrete flip-flop circuits

7. Generators of waveforms

8. Applications of 555


Syllabus of computer exercises

1. Unipolar transistor-based amplifiers

2.  Harmonic oscillator using RC band-pass filter

3. Diode shapers and limiters

4. Propagation of signal by linear and nonlinear system

5. Bipolar and unipolar transistor switches

6. Analog comparators

7. Discrete and integrated flip-flop circuits

8. Generators of waveforms


Progress assessment

During the semester, student can obtain up to 16 points for his activity in laboratory, up to 16 points for his activity at computer exercises, up to 8 points for test and up to 60 points for final exam (50 points for written form + 10 points for optional discussion).


The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course annually.


Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 2nd year of study, Elective
  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 2nd year of study, Elective
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