Course details

Selected Topics of Information Systems

VPD Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester

Current academic year

The technological parts of an information system, especially in the portal solution: server, client, data channel. Classification of information systems: OLTP and OLAP. Data, processes and their definition in the OLAP model, transactions and their model. Data and their definition in the OLAP model. The network environment for the information systems implementation, internet and its protocols, http. The document and its definition, SGML, XML. The server and its function v the information system, the communication between the server and the database. The server programming. The server part design, the conceptual schema. E-R diagram, the transformation of the conceptual schema into the production model. The object-oriented conceptual modelling. The client and its function. The client in the portal solution. The client programming. The visualization problems. The clent-server data transport , the data coding methods: XML, JSON. 

Doctoral state exam - topics:

  1. The technological parts of an information system, especially in the portal solution: server, client, data channel.
  2. Classification of information systems: OLTP and OLAP.
  3. Data, processes and their definition in the OLAP model, transactions and their model. 
  4. Data and their definition in the OLAP model.
  5. The network environment for the information systems implementation, internet and its protocols, http.
  6. The document and its definition, SGML, XML.
  7. The server and its function v the information system, the communication between the server and the database. The server programming.
  8. The server part design, the conceptual schema. E-R diagram, the transformation of the conceptual schema into the production model.
  9. The object-oriented conceptual modelling.
  10. The client and its function. The client in the portal solution. The client programming.
  11. The visualization problems.
  12. The clent-server data transport , the data coding methods: XML, JSON. 


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Examination (written+oral)

Time span

  • 39 hrs lectures

Assessment points

  • 100 pts final exam


Course Web Pages


Learning objectives

To obtain an overview in the advanced design and implementation of information systems.
To obtain an overview of the modern information systems with th ability to present in their usage and the theoretical research.

Study literature

  • Coad, P., Yourdon, E.: Object-Oriented Analysis, Yourdon Press, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey 1991.
  • Jacobson, I.: Object-Oriented Software Engineering - A Use case Driven Approach, Addison Wesley, ACM Press 1992, p.524
  • Hudhes, J.,G.: Object-Oriented Databases, Prentice Hall 1991, p. 280
  • Petrov, A.: Database Internals: A Deep Dive into How Distributed Data Systems Work, O'Reilly Media, 2019.
  • Kleppmann, M.: Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems, O'Reilly Media, 2017.

Syllabus of lectures

  1. The technological parts of an information system, especially in the portal solution: server, client, data channel.
  2. Classification of information systems: OLTP and OLAP.
  3. Data, processes and their definition in the OLAP model, transactions and their model. 
  4. Data and their definition in the OLAP model.
  5. The network environment for the information systems implementation, internet and its protocols, http.
  6. The document and its definition, SGML, XML.
  7. The server and its function v the information system, the communication between the server and the database. The server programming.
  8. The server part design, the conceptual schema. E-R diagram, the transformation of the conceptual schema into the production model.
  9. The object-oriented conceptual modelling.
  10. The client and its function. The client in the portal solution. The client programming.
  11. The visualization problems.
  12. The clent-server data transport , the data coding methods: XML, JSON.  

Progress assessment

discussion on the doctoral lectures, assembling of an essay of the given topic
lectures only

Course inclusion in study plans

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