Course details

Bachelor's Thesis (in English)

IBTe Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 13 credits

Current academic year

Students will receive an individual project specification from various computer science areas in order to work them out individually under the supervision of selected supervisor from academic stuff of faculty. Students will proceed as follows: problem analysis, solution, verification, implementation, documentation, presentation. During their work, the students will follow all the required instructions concerning requests on contents and volume of the project, the project adjustment, the literature, the language quality and written report typography as well as project parts consigned in the electronic form. MSc Project/Thesis is defended in front of the comission.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction



Classified Credit (written+oral)

Time span

  • 143 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 100 pts projects



List of available topics

Supervisor Department Topic
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing. DITS Detection of Fingerprint from Multiple Angle of View
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing. DITS Image Composition with Different Illumination of Finger Vein
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing. DITS Image Composition with Different Illumination of Finger Vein
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing. DITS Person Identification Based on the Image of Finger Vein
Strnadel Josef, Ing., Ph.D. DCSY Dependability Assessment Based on SMC

Learning objectives

  • This course is prepared for Erasmus+ and other exchange incoming international students enrolled at the FIT: An international student can register this course, but the final enrollment of the IBTe course depends on the availability of a supervisor who must be appointed before signing the Learning Agreement. A student interested in this course is required to send his/her Transcript of Records forthwith and specify the area(s) of his/her interest in his/her final thesis by email to Ms Studena well in advance.
  • Stamped and signed assignment on a paper has to be inserted into a thesis after the title page before bookbinding. The assignment can be picked up from the thesis supervisor.
  • Technical report (printed thesis) has to be handed in at the office C208/C209 before 2022-05-11, 14:00.
  • The full text of the thesis in PDF format with the abstract and keywords must be saved into IS FIT with the printed version of the thesis.
  • Supervisor assessment and the review of the thesis will be accessible in the IS FIT at least 3 days before defenses.
  • Defense can be up to 8 minutes long. It is necessary to have a presentation on a virus-free USB Flash  (other media are not allowed, own notebook, speakers or other supplementary resources are impermissible). Please do not use white font on black background and / or slides decorated with unrelated icons, images or some weird patterns. If someone needs to present multimedia realisation outputs, it is necessary to have them integrated into the presentation. The media need to be run from presentation directly and have to run on an average notebook without any additional accessories. Time to run the video and playing time are included in the standard presentation time. Each slide should be numbered with "slide number / total number of slides". If the thesis review contains questions, it is highly recommended to prepare them with your responses and related pictures on the additional unnumbered slides after the end of the presentation. You will be asked to respond them after the reading of the review.
  • The credit will be given at the base of submission of the thesis and defense of the thesis in front of commission, which will take place from the 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-10. If the thesis is not submitted in the term, credit will not be given and consequently the thesis will be classified zero points FAILED.

Knowledge and experience with engineering project building, its documentation, and defence.

Compulsory prerequisites

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The compulsory prerequisite is to be successful in the course "ITTe - Term Project Abroad".

Study literature

  • ISO 7144:1986: Documentation - Presentation of theses and similar documents.

Progress assessment

Consultations with student's supervisor. Sending of technical report to student's supervisor in adequate time before submission.

Exam prerequisites

To meet the prerequisite conditions, submission of technical report and realization output in prescribed date and defense of the thesis in front of commission.
Submitted results must meet these requirements:

  • Cover and title page must be created according to BUT decrees (LaTeX template can be used).
  • Extent of technical report must be at least 40 standard pages (usually 60 - 80, no more than 100)
  • Final version of thesis and realisation output have to be consulted with supervisor in agreed time before submission.
  • Electronic and printed version must be the same.
  • Source and resulting version of the technical report and the source and executable version of realisation output must be on included CD/DVD, SD card or thin USB Flash.

In order to gain a credit it is necessary to gain at least 50 points from 100 during the defence.

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