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TKSL/C an Multiple Arithmetic
Řezáč David, Ing., Ph.D.
Petřek Jiří, Ing.
TKSL, Moderní metoda Taylorova rozvoje, víceslovní aritmetika
The work includes experimental computations performed using a tailor made multiple arithmetic as an important part. It is characteristic of the Modern Taylor Series Method that the computation accuracy for a given step length is increased with the number of Taylor series terms used. However this increase in accuracy is not unlimited. For a given integration step length, there is always a saturated computation error that depends on the arithmetic unit word length. In some cases this saturated computation error can be reduced by decreasing the integration step or increasing the arithmetic unit word length. The effect of increasing the arithmetic unit word is more significant than that of reducing the integration step length.
author="Jiří {Kunovský} and David {Řezáč} and Jiří {Petřek}",
title="TKSL/C an Multiple Arithmetic",
booktitle="Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference Electronic Computers and Informatics 2002",
publisher="The University of Technology Košice",
address="Letná 42, 040 01 TU Košice, SK",