
Barbora Šmahlíková Achieves Yet Another Prestigious Award

Barbora Šmahlíková, our undergraduate student, has added another prestigious price to her growing list of achievements. The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) has given her the "The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award" for her exceptional work in the area of formal methods.

The significance of her recent success is underscored by VCLA's stature as one of the world's premier organizations dedicated to logic and formal methods.

Barbora's groundbreaking research in the field of omega automata has not only garnered recognition on the international stage but has also earned her acclaim home. Just this June, she was honored with the Government Award for Exceptional Student Achievements in Research.


Embarking on a Cybersecurity Journey with Suricata

Join Juliana, Shivani, and Lukáš in a fascinating exploration of the cybersecurity field, using a powerful open-source tool called Suricata. This presentation focuses on network monitoring and malware detection, illustrating the importance of open-source solutions in cybersecurity. The cybersecurity overview is complemented by a hands-on demo showcasing the features and capabilities of Suricata, familiarizing participants with methods to tackle cybersecurity challenges in their environment.

Juliana Fajardini is a Suricata code developer since 2021. She also writes documentation and mentors interns who join OISF via the Outreachy initiative. Juliana loves reading, swimming, biking, traveling, and eating.
Shivani Bhardwaj is a core Suricata developer working on mainstream Suricata, its helper tools, and internal tooling to make development and releases easier. Shivani loves great memes, good food, and all things fluffy.
Lukáš Šišmiš is a Ph.D. student and researcher at CESNET by day and a core Suricata developer by night where he focuses on Suricata acceleration through DPDK.

The lecture takes place on Friday, 12 May 2023 at 11:00 at FIT BUT, room E112.
Please let us know your participation using this form.

Cognitive and Neural Engineering Research group invites students to Introduction to MRI

Cognitive and Neural Engineering Research group CANE would like to invite students to the course: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Functional MRI (fMRI). For course registration please contact Dr. Soyiba Jawed: no later than January 25, 2023.


I live, you live, We Live IT - this year for the sixth time at the FIT and again live and in style after the COVID break

The last Friday in November belonged to all those whose hearts beat to the rhythm of ones and zeros at the Faculty of Information Technology. It is true that a certain propensity for the world of information technology is to be expected at our university, but the sixth year of the interactive conference "We Live IT" brought together graduates, students and experts from the world of work and offered everyone an inspiring convergence of the academic and corporate worlds in a packed programme. Sixteen lectures, 2 panel discussions with participation by 15 IT experts, almost 150 students, 32 panellists from the ranks of IT experts, 45 company representatives and countless lively discussions and shared experiences.

"At the FIT, we are aware that academia and industry cannot function well without each other.  We organise the We Live IT conference together with partners of the FIT with the aim of presenting practical professional topics in IT to our students. Cooperation with the IT industry is very important for our faculty, and that is why we have been building a portfolio of partners over the long term, to ensure that the offer of specialisations is broad and of a high professional level. We want to introduce students to our partners, discuss student projects and summer internships and participate in debates with representatives of IT companies and our graduates", says Vítězslav Beran, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, explaining the motivation for organising this traditional event.

This year's programme offered visitors a varied selection of lectures on current IT topics. Thanks to them, students from the Faculty of Information Technology were able to get a clearer idea of possibilities for employment in the field. "I am pleased with the high participation by both company representatives and students at our faculty. It's great that even the lectures starting later in the day were packed. And the discussions were lively throughout the whole of the event", says the event organiser, who is responsible for cooperation with partner companies at the FIT.

Each of the speakers offered their specific point of view and outlined the perspective in "their" field of IT.  The aim of the event is not only to get acquainted with the latest technologies and trends in the world of IT, but to create a friendly space where students, graduates and representatives of industrial companies can meet and share experiences, career paths, opportunities, dreams and ambitions and get motivated for their further development. "At the We Live IT conference, I liked the stands with experts from the world of work who were happy and very willing to talk about the work they do. Some talented students were even able to arrange an internship. I appreciate the fact that everyone was able to find something to suit them in the programme - interesting lectures and panel discussions. And there were some great refreshments too.  I am glad that I was also able to contribute a little towards the success of the event", says Lukáš Matuška, one of the first-year students at the Faculty of Information Technology who helped out at the event, sharing his impressions.

Our industrial partners evaluated both the activity of students at the Faculty of Information Technology and their professional knowledge in a positive light. "As far as I am concerned, it was definitely a successful event. As I recall, this year had the highest ever student turnout. My impression of the event as a whole is that it is on an upward trend, and that is important. Even our last lecture was well attended, which makes us happy", says Radek Štourač, a graduate of the FIT at the CTU and founder of Kinali.

And you can see for yourself that IT was very much alive this year in our photo gallery.



BUT will offer new double degree program in cooperation with Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT

Brno University of Technology in cooperation with the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT created a new double degree program. On November 9, rector of BUT, Ladislav Janíček signed the contract with Professor Jari Hämäläinen, Vice-Rector responsible for international activities of LUT. It is a joint study program of Faculty of Information Technology of BUT and LUT, which will be offered to FIT students as part of the study program Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence. The unique combination of subjects from both institutions aims to deepen students' knowledge, especially in the field of computer vision and image processing. The double degree program will be created on the basis of successful cooperation between the Faculty of Information Technologies and LUT.

Also, as members of European Universities Linking Society and Technology (the alliance was established to support long-term collaboration in the areas of education, research, innovation and service to society), they discussed the new funding proposal related to ERASMUS +, which will be presented on the Online information session: EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES, Erasmus+ 2023 on 15 November. The goal of BUT and LUT is to present the importance of their common activities and new parts of cooperation which should lead to improvement to mobility between the students and academics and the intensification the current collaboration.

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