
We invite you to the defence of the dissertation thesis of Viktor Malík from the Department of Intelligent Systems

We cordially invite you to the dissertation defence of Ing. Viktor Malík: Static Analysis of Programs in the C Language. Under the supervision of his supervisor, Professor Tomáš Vojnar, it approaches the problem of automatic static analysis of low-level software (i.e. analysis of the software'ssource code).  The thesis proposes new original techniques in two different areas of analysis: formal verification (i.e. proving of correctness) of programs working with complex data structures and fast
light-weight static analysis of semantic differences between versions of large-scale software (such as the Linux kernel or system libraries). 

The defence will take place on 5 March at 3 pm in the meeting room C209 at the FIT BUT.

The opponents are Florian Zuleger, Associate Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr.techn. from TU Wien and Prof. RNDr. Jan Strejček, Ph.D. from FI MU.

More information can be found here.

At FIT, we see partnerships with companies as a necessity on the road to excellence

At the Faculty of Information Technology, we are aware that it is impossible to prepare our future graduates for their diverse career paths without contact with industry, which is why we have been building a portfolio of partners for a long time so that the range of focus is broad and at a high professional level. We value our partnerships very highly. 

And, as it is often the case with partnerships, good communication is essential. Therefore, on Wednesday 14 February, we invited representatives of companies to our faculty for our traditional annual meeting to evaluate and discuss the possibilities of cooperation and opportunities for its development this year. The debate was attended by 40 representatives of companies, IT experts and HR specialists and professional guarantors of cooperation from the Faculty of Information Technology.

More on the meeting and cooperation with industry in this article

The 10th anniversary edition of Excel@FIT will take place on 2 May 2024. You can register your work from 28 February

On Thursday, 2 May 2024, the 10th annual Excel@FIT student thesis conference will take place.  Be sure to mark this date on your calendar, along with the date of February 28, when paper registration opens. If you want to show off your thesis or bachelor's thesis, get inspired, support your classmates, or meet people in the field, this is the event for you. 
This year, Excel@FIT is celebrating its tenth birthday and has prepared a few surprises for you, which we will inform you about as we go along. 

We look forward to seeing you and your contributions!


FIT team helps build a unique dialect map

A team from the Faculty of Information Technology at the BUT, led by Martin Karafiát, is involved in a unique dialect mapping project. In cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Palacký University in Olomouc, they are creating a website where you can select a region of the Czech Republic and listen to the dialects characteristic of a given place. In addition, the project team is categorising the recordings, which go back to the 1950s, according to various criteria, such as the themes of the narratives.

Researchers from the Dialectology Department of the Institute of Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences have long been trying to map and preserve the various dialects across the Czech Republic. In 2023, they have enlisted the help of experts from the Speech@FIT group, who are currently working on creating a system that would be able to identify the dialect. And also create an automatic transcription of the recordings. "Our speech group has had great success in the areas of language identification, speaker identification and speech transcription. So the primary idea is to bring these areas together, work with unique data and create a system that will be able to automatically transcribe the audio data, which will be a huge help to researchers at the Academy of Sciences. Especially because the data is specific and the classic transcribers from Google or Microsoft fail," explains Martin Karafiát from FIT BUT.

You can read more about this project in our article here.


How to defend against deepfakes? Kamil Malinka from FIT presented the risks of AI abuse

On Wednesday 31 January, the Economic Committee of the Chamber of Deputies held a seminar on the security threats of artificial intelligence. Kamil Malinka from FIT BUT presented his expert view to a wide audience from the state, commercial and academic spheres as well as representatives of defrauded citizens at the invitation of MP and chairman of the subcommittee on consumer protection Patrik Nacher. 

He spoke about deep fake scams. Artificial intelligence is constantly increasing their sophistication. "These are attacks on biometric systems, identity theft, hate propaganda and more. Artificial intelligence gives attackers "powerful new tools" against which we are relatively powerless", Kamil Malinka explains. Voice deepfakes are already at such a high level that it is impossible to distinguish an artificial voice from a real one by ear. With a human voice, an attacker calls and demands something. It may seem like someone you know is calling from a known number, but in reality it is a complete stranger from a different number and you won't have the slightest suspicion that it is a fake. What's more, this is how a robot programmed for this purpose can communicate with you.  The success rate of such calls increases with how much or how little one concentrates on them. When attention is fragmented and under pressure, people are much more likely to fall for a scam.

Kamil Malinka is working on the issue of deep fakes and their impact on security as part of the Security@FIT research group. Together with another group of researchers from Speech@FIT and Phonexia, they are collaborating on cybersecurity research as part of a Home Office challenge. The aim is to develop tools that can reliably identify man-made recordings.



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