
Two FIT students received prizes in the Brno PhD Talent competition

Among the 130 participating first-year doctoral students, two entrants from the Faculty of Information Technology impressed the jury of Brno PhD Talent, a competition among Brno universities. Roman Andriushchenko and Jiří Pavela, both from the Department of Intelligent Systems, made it to the top-twenty-five and will thus receive a scholarship from the city of Brno. While Roman Andriushchenko focuses on computer-aided synthesis of probabilistic models, Jiří Pavela works on efficient techniques for measuring software performance. The competing projects and contestants themselves have been assessed by leading experts, primarily from abroad. The selected students will receive a financial aid of CZK 300,000 paid over the next three years. It should provide talented doctoral students with better conditions so that they can fully devote themselves to their studies and research.


System for answering human questions developed at FIT succeeded in a trivia quiz

It was a close call, but team of researchers from the KNOT@FIT group - Martin Fajčík, Martin Dočekal, Karel Ondřej and Pavel Smrž - managed to come in third at the EfficientQA competition held as part of the NeurIPS 2020 conference. Their system called BUT R2-D2 succeeded alongside such big names as Facebook or Microsoft and triumphed in the "machine competition" where it also competed against humans in a trivia quiz. You can find more information HERE


IT Spy:Thesis from FIT in TOP 10 of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

The split 4th-10th place of the IT Spy competition went to Roman Andriushchenko from FIT. His diploma thesis, supervised by Milan Češka Jr., deals with computer-aided synthesis of probabilistic models. The work significantly increases the speed and accuracy of probability programs. These play a significant part in various areas of engineering and in fact represent the design of programs whose goal is to determine unknown parameters in order to achieve a given result. These programs can be used, for example, to design a communication protocol capable of transferring a specified amount of data, or to find optimal strategies for areas such as energy consumption management. The expert jury, made up of leading academics and business representatives, selected the best works out of over 1,400 diploma theses in the field of computer science from Czech and Slovak universities.


Platform by FIT is searching for the owners of cryptocurrency addresses. It is able to connect them to illegal activity

The platform, which helps identify people buying illegal services on the Internet, has been created by Vladislav Bambuch from FIT BUT. He first encountered the topic of processing of publicly available data and linking them to cryptocurrency addresses in one of his university courses. Subsequently, he expanded upon the topic in his diploma thesis. The result of his work is a functional platform linking past projects undertaken at FIT BUT and serving as a basis for the connection of other web-based tools in the future. For more information read the article


Exhibition at the Technical Museum: FIT robots watch theatre and explore collaboration with humans

Interaktivní výstavu na téma robotiky připravilo Technické muzeum v Brně ke stému výročí prvního vydání dramatu Karla Čapka R. U. R., v němž autor poprvé použil tehdy nové slovo "robot". Výstava představuje význam robotiky v průmyslu, vědě a technice, ale také v kultuře a umění. Mezi stovkou exponátů najdou návštěvníci také roboty z FIT. For more information, read the article

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