
FIT students' apps: alcohol consumption and seating charts

Applications that keep track of how many drinks you have had at the bar, find the nearest public toilet or help you draw random numbers. These are just some of the apps developed by students within the TAM course supervised by Adam Herout. Here are details about some of them:

  • Leave it to chance - an app that allows you to randomly draw items from a customised list, be it numbers, pictures or text
  • BoozePlanner - keep an eye on the amount of alcohol you drink at the bar and how much you pay for it. This app will also help you estimate your blood alcohol level
  • Loo Locator - the application includes a list of the 20 nearest public toilets according to the user's current position and a map with more than 1,000 available toilets
  • Simple Classroom Seating chart & Activity tracker - a seating chart designed for teachers who can use it to monitor their students' activities via a mobile device

A DNS probe helps the CZ.NIC association with a more efficient collection of data

The Accelerated Network Technologies Research Group (ANT@FIT) has been co-operating with the CZ.NIC association since 2018 on the creation of a probe for monitoring DNS traffic (DNS probe). Drawing on its experience with fast network traffic processing, the group helped develop a probe that can process DNS traffic very quickly using regular commodity hardware through the AF_PACKET interface or the DPDK system. In addition to receiving and processing packets, it was also necessary to find a solution for efficient implementation of the transaction table in the probe and to ensure easy configuration and export of the record in the new Compacted-DNS (C-DNS) format. The entire data collection system using monitoring probes was placed in the infrastructure of the CZ.NIC association, as stated on the CZ.NIC employee blog or on the server (in Czech). Thanks to the created probe, the number of reported transactions for the TCP protocol was increased by 5% to 10%.

"Our cooperation with the CZ.NIC association does not end with the DNS probe. We will continue to work together on the use of FPGA accelerator cards used to speed up and reduce the latency of responses to DNS queries. This project is still in its initial phase, but we believe that, over time, we will be able to reach the production deployment, as was the case with the DNS probe," says Jan Kořenek, head researcher of the ANT@FIT group.


Researchers at FIT BUT in cooperation with Adobe Research developed a new augmented reality method and are waiting for their pat

Imagine yourself pulling out your phone to take a picture of a beautiful view. You point the camera towards the landscape and your device tells you, in augmented reality, the names of surrounding hills, their elevation, tourist paths in the area and can even show you the terrain contours. The new software tool created by researchers of the CPhoto@FIT BUT group is able to recognise the photographer's location and the photographed object and knows what the surrounding area looks like under different weather conditions. This allows you to edit the picture at home, e.g. make it sharper or adjust the shadows. On top of that, it can take you back to the place where the picture was taken using virtual reality. You can find more information in the article


FIT contributes to the creation of Brno.AI, Brno's new artificial intelligence platform

Autonomous cars and receptionists, applications for the visually impaired, voice recognition, virtual power stations or developing a cure for Covid - all this could be achieved by employing artificial intelligence. Brno's experts on artificial intelligence set themselves a goal to achieve its greater practical use and, on Thursday, introduced a common platform - It was created not only by professionals from FIT BUT and Masaryk University, but also by representatives of IT companies, the South Moravian Region and the City of Brno as well as the JIC innovation agency. For more information, click HERE


The second place in 8 of BUT won by a FIT student with a simulation of lunar probe landing

8 of BUT, that is eight Bachelor's degree graduates from BUT who succeeded in the annual presentation competition 8 of BUT, which was this year organised in the form of online presentations due to the pandemic. The jury composed of representatives of BUT awarded the second place to a FIT student Jakub Karpíšek, who simulated landing of the Beresheet probe on the Moon. "My task was to calculate the optimal descent trajectory for the Beresheet spacecraft's landing on the Moon and to design an environment for visualisation of descent trajectories. I managed to find the optimal descent trajectory which even counts with a reserve of fuel, and I also created an environment that provides users with simple and intuitive view of the descent trajectory. In addition, they can easily interfere with the visualisation," describes Jakub Karpíšek.  8 of BUT is a traditional presentation competition of the best Bachelor's theses wrote by students of all faculties of BUT in the last academic year. The winner of the 8th year of the competition is Michael Rosický, a student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. For more information, go to the BUT website.

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