Publication Details
Dependability Analysis of Fault Tolerant Systems Based on Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration Implemented into FPGA
Straka Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
Mičulka Lukáš, Ing., Ph.D.
Kotásek Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.
dependability, reliability, model, FPGA, fault tolerant system, architecture,
In this paper, a dependability analysis of fault tolerant systems implemented
into the SRAM-based FPGA is presented. The fault tolerant architectures are based
on redundancy of functional units associated with a concurrent error detection
technique and it uses the principles of partial dynamic reconfiguration as
a recovery mechanism from a fault occurrence. Architectures are tested by
injecting soft errors into partial bitstream in FPGA by SEU injector and the
faults coverage of this architecture is obtained. From faults coverage, the
failure rate and repair rate are evaluated. Then, for fault tolerant architecture
the Markov dependability models are created and it is demonstrated how the
reliability and availability parameters are derived from this model for different
configurations of architectures and faulty modules. The reliability analysis
results are shown.
author="Jan {Kaštil} and Martin {Straka} and Lukáš {Mičulka} and Zdeněk {Kotásek}",
title="Dependability Analysis of Fault Tolerant Systems Based on Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration Implemented into FPGA",
booktitle="15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",