Course details
Rudiments of Marketing
IZMA Acad. year 2018/2019 Summer semester 5 credits
Rudiment knowledge in the marketing area. Customers orientation and tasks at the market. The characteristics of marketing philosophy, the opportunity analysis, the use of marketing mix and other modern marketing techniques. The marketing strategy implementation in business and the use of SWOT analysis.
Course coordinator
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
- 13 hrs projects
Assessment points
- 65 pts final exam (written part)
- 15 pts mid-term test (written part)
- 20 pts projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
How to do marketing.
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge in the marketing area. The course focuses on customer orientation and on achieving costumers' satisfaction. The course presents to the students characteristics of marketing philosophy, the opportunity analysis, the use of marketing mix and other modern marketing techniques, the presentation of basics in marketing strategy implementation in business, while emphasising the use of SWOT analysis.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
No prerequisity knowledge is called for.
Study literature
- KAŇOVSKÁ, Lucie a David SCHULLER. Základy marketingu. 2. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2015. 131 s. ISBN 978-802-1438-385.
- Kaňovská, L.: Základy marketingu. 1. vyd. Brno, CERM, 2009, 123 s., ISBN 978-80-214-3838-5 (in Czech).
- Kotler, P.: Marketing management. Praha, Management Press, 2001 (in Czech).
- Two study materials in PDF that are available for download on this course card.
- Vysekalová, J.: Marketing. Praha, Fortuna, 2006 (in Czech).
- Boučková, J., kol.: Marketing. Praha, C.H. Beck, 2003 (in Czech).
- Burnett, K.: klíčoví zákazníci a péče o ně. Praha, Computer Press, 2005. (in Czech)
- Foret, M., Stávková, J.: Marketingový výzkum. Praha, Grada 2003. (in Czech)
- Foster, T.R.V.: Jak získat a udržet zákazníky. Computer Press 2002. (in Czech)
- Kaňovská, L., Tomášková, E.: DOPROVODNÉ SLUŽBY-KONKURENČNÍ VÝHODA. 1. vyd. Brno, CERM, 2009, 202 s., ISBN 978-80-7204-619-5. (in Czech)
- Kotler, P.: Marketing od A do Z. Praha, Management Press, 2003. (in Czech)
- Kotler, P., a de bes, f.t.: Inovativní marketing, Praha, Grada, 2005. (in Czech)
- Pelsmacker, P.D., kol.: Marketing komunikace. Praha, Grada, 2003. (in Czech)
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction to the course. Introduction to marketing. Consumer behavior.
- Analysis of the marketing environment.
- Segmentation.
- Marketing mix - product I.
- Marketing mix - Product II.
- Lecture of a specialist from practise.
- Marketing mix - Distribution.
- Marketing mix - Price.
- Lecture of a practitioner.
- Marketing mix - Communication mix I.
- Marketing mix - Communication mix II.
- Current trends in marketing.
- Lecture of a specialist from practise.
Syllabus of numerical exercises
- Introduction to the course. Introduction to marketing. Consumer behavior.
- Analysis of the marketing environment.
- Segmentation.
- Marketing mix - product I.
- Marketing mix - Product II.
- Marketing mix - Distribution.
- Marketing mix - Price.
- Retail trail.
- Marketing mix - Communication mix I.
- Marketing mix - Communication mix II.
- Test. Presentation of successful marketing companies.
- Presentation of students.
- Presentation of students. Credit.
Progress assessment
Attendance at practice and homework.
Controlled instruction
Attendance at practice and homework.
Exam prerequisites
Attendance at practice and homework.
Course inclusion in study plans