Publication Details
Polymorfní hradla pro optimalizaci testu obvodu
polymorphic electronics, polytronics, polymorphic gates, ATPG, design for test, test vectors reduction
Polymorphic electronics(polytronics) can be seen as a novel approach to the design of electroniccircuits which are able to change their function with respect to the externalconditions (temperature, light, power supply voltage, etc.). This paper shows new application of polymorphic electronics. Polymorphic gates are inserted into conventional circuits for reduction count of test vector, which are needed for achieve of requested test parameters. In first mode new circuit behave as original circuit. In second mode this circuit can be tested with fewer test vectors with same fault coverage as original circuit. Six circuits were used in tests and count of test vectors can be reduced up to 50%. Article show some problems of this concept too.
author="Lukáš {Stareček}",
title="Polymorfní hradla pro optimalizaci testu obvodu",
booktitle="Sborník příspěvků Česko-slovenského semináře Počítačové architektury a diagnostika pro studenty doktorandského studia",
publisher="Západočeská univerzita v Plzni",