Publication Details
Rise of the Metaverse's Immersive Virtual Reality Malware and the Man-in-the-Room Attack & Defenses
Emerging technologies, Network-level security and protection, Network
communications, Network Protocols, Protection mechanisms, Quality
analysis and evaluation, System issues, Security and Privacy Protection,
Authentication, Communications Applications, Artificial, augmented, and
virtual realities, Virtual reality, Security and Protection, Invasive
software (viruses, worms, Trojan horses), Unauthorized access (hacking,
The allure of the metaverse along with Virtual Reality (VR) technologies
and speed at which they are deployed may shift focus away from security
and privacy fundamentals. In this work we employ classic exploitation
techniques against cutting edge devices to obtain equally novel results.
The unique features of the Virtual Reality landscape set the stage for
our primary account of a new attack, the Man-in-the-Room (MitR). This
attack, realized from a vulnerable social networking application led to
both worming and botnet capabilities being adapted for VR with potential
critical impacts affecting millions of users. Our work improves the
state-of-the-art in VR security and socio-technical research in VR. It
shares several analytical and attacking tools, example exploits,
evaluation dataset, and vulnerability signatures with the scientific and
professional communities to ensure secure VR software development. The
presented results demonstrate the detection and prevention of VR
vulnerabilities, and raise questions in the law and policy domains
pertaining to VR security and privacy.
author="VONDRÁČEK, M. and BAGGILI, I. and CASEY, P. and MEKNI, M.",
title="Rise of the Metaverse's Immersive Virtual Reality Malware and the Man-in-the-Room Attack & Defenses",
- pdf DRAFT_COSE Rise of the Metaverse_s Immersive Virtual Reality Malware and the Man-in-the-Room Attack___Defenses.pdf 6 MB
- pdf FINAL_COSE_1-s2_0-S0167404822003157-main.pdf 2 MB
- pdf FINAL_COSE_1-s2_0-S0167404822003157-mmc1.pdf 1 MB
- pdf DRAFT_COSE_Supplemental_Material_for_Rise_of_the_Metaverse_s_Immersive_Virtual_Reality_Malware_and_the_Man_in_the_Room_Attack___Defenses.pdf 7 MB