Publication Details
Augmenting Monitoring Infrastructure For Dynamic Software-Defined Networks
Plný Richard
Koumar Josef
Jeřábek Kamil, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Čejka Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (SSDIT)
Network Monitoring, Software-Defined Networks, Internet of Things, Network Security
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and virtual environment rise new challenges for network monitoring tools. The dynamic and flexible nature of these network technologies require adaptation of monitoring infrastructure to overcome challenges of analysis and interpretability of the monitored network traffic. This paper describes a concept of automatic on-demand deployment of monitoring probes and correlation of network data with infrastructure state and configuration in time. Such approach to monitoring SDN & virtual networks is usable in several use cases such as IoT networks and anomaly detection, and it increases visibility into the complex and dynamic networks. Additionally, it can help with creation of well-annotated datasets that are essential for any further research.
author="PEŠEK, J. and PLNÝ, R. and KOUMAR, J. and JEŘÁBEK, K. and ČEJKA, T.",
title="Augmenting Monitoring Infrastructure For Dynamic Software-Defined Networks",
booktitle="8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)",