Publication Details
Application of Time Series Database for IoT Smart City Platform
Hynek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS)
IoT, Smart City, Database, NoSQL, Time
Series, AWS, Serverless computing
IoT devices are becoming more prevalent yearly
due to their relatively low cost and high maintainability. Their use cases are
often varied-from industry (e.g., devices intended for quality control) to
their application in smart cities, where they can help supervise day-to-day
operations. With the increase in popularity comes the need to effectively
store, query and process the data produced by such devices. This problem can
seem relatively easy at first glance, but often, the solutions are not as
straightforward. In real-world applications, multiple device types are needed
to accomplish each task. This typically results in large streams of incoming
data, each with its own structure and data representation. Due to the large
amounts of devices, it may be necessary to distribute the workload or use
serverless computing to tackle fluctuations in incoming requests. This paper
provides a study of some options that can be used to achieve this goal,
focusing on the efficiency and ease of use of both SQL and NoSQL databases
currently available regarding deployment on both local devices and serverless
functions like AWS Lambda. Document or relational databases are often used to
store data from such devices. However, features of Time Series databases could
be used to improve the entire system's performance and reduce storage
requirements. One of the systems that could benefit from this improvement is a
Smart City system developed by Logimic.
The cost of the proposed smart city platform is essential because a high
running cost can result in the system being more expensive than the cost
reduction from using efficient IoT devices.
author="JOHN, P. and HYNEK, J. and HRUŠKA, T. and VALNÝ, M.",
title="Application of Time Series Database for IoT Smart City Platform",
booktitle="IEEE Xplore",
series="2023 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP)",
publisher="Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers",