Product Details
KSPredict: Software pro predikci vývoje krizových situací a mimořádných událostí
Created: 2023
Neubauer Jiří, Mgr., Ph.D.
Polcerová Lenka, Mgr.
Králík Miroslav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (VUT)
Zeman Tomáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
prediction, software, statistical model, emergency event, crisis situation
The result is user software in the form of a web application implemented in the R statistical environment using the Shiny extension from Posit. The application is deployed on the user's local workstations, but its architecture allows possible deployment on a remote server. The application aims to facilitate the modeling and prediction of the development of emergency events and crisis situations, such as forest fires or migration waves, based on the values of the selected predictors. The application has a simple and intuitive graphical user interface without the need to implement custom scripts. It provides functions for importing and cleaning data, training and evaluating statistical models based on the values of selected predictors, displaying results in an interactive graphical form and exporting them.