Product Details
Created: 2022
Hamšíková Marie
Štourač Jan
Musil Miloš, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Damborský Jiří, prof. Mgr., Dr. (UMEL)
Bednář David
Mazurenko Stanislav, Ph.D.
stable data, protein engineering, protein stabilization, stable mutations
SoluProtMutDB is the first database containing data on protein solubility changes upon mutations. Our database accommodates 33 000 measurements of 17 000 protein variants in 103 different proteins. The database can serve as an essential source of information for the researchers designing improved protein variants or those developing machine learning tools to predict the effects of mutations on solubility. The database comprises all the previously published solubility datasets and thousands of new data points from recent publications, including deep mutational scanning experiments. Moreover, it features many available experimental conditions known to affect protein solubility. The datasets have been manually curated with substantial corrections, improving suitability for machine learning applications. The database is available at
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