Product Details

Hybridní platforma s multifunkčními obvodovými komponentami

Created: 2016

English title
Hybrid platform with multifunctional circuit components
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Organic electronics, ambipolarity, polymorphic electronics, multifunctional circuits, chip expander, organic transistor, hybrid integration, LOFET.


Nowadays,electronic circuits based on wide range of organic materials with semiconductorproperties are still perceived as a somewhat unconventional design approach andfabrication technology. However, it could potentially deliver many significantadvantages. Materials for organic electronics are typically lighter, flexible,easier to handle and less expensive in comparison with traditional inorganicmaterials used in electronics (e.g. copper and silicon used for conventionalCMOS process).

Previously reported research achievements in that particulardomain also indicate that some of the organic semiconductor materials could beused for construction of organic field-effect transistors (OFET) that exhibit ratherpeculiar ability of ambipolar charge conduction. Fundamental electronic structures of such type also suggest theperspective of their utilization as the key building blocks for so calledmultifunctional logic elements or even more complex polymorphic circuits.

For the purpose of demonstrating the properties of individual ambipolar transistors alongside the complete multifunctional circuits blocks there has been developed a hybrid platform based on LOFET3 substrate, which contains an essential electrode foundation (for transistors, inverters, registers and other circuit elements) fabricated using so called lift-off technique. In this case, after the removal of protective resist coating from the surface of LOFET 3 substrate, it was only necessary to deposit by means of using suitable technique, e.g. PVD process or spin-coating, the active organic channel layer and subsequently cover it with a protective material (e.g. PMMA).


Ústav počítačových systémů, Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno

Unconventional Design Techniques for Intrinsic Reconfiguration of Digital Circuits: From Materials to Implementation, MŠMT, COST CZ (2011-2017), LD14055, start: 2014-05-05, end: 2017-05-31, completed
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