Product Details

QnxTimeSync - Prostředí pro měření přesnosti síťových synchronizačních protokolů

Created: 2013

English title
QnxTimeSync - A tool for measuring real precision of network synchronization in real-time operating systems
Use of the result by another entity is possible without acquiring a license (the result is not licensed)
License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result

network synchronization protocols, degree of synchrony, jitter measurement, real-time operating systems


The created tool is intended for measuring the real precision of synchronization in a network of distributed nodes running real-time operating system. The meassurement is based on observing jitter of synchronously generated signals. The measuring environment consists of:

  • Developed measuring device based on FITKit platform
  • Traffic generator 
  • Software for end nodes that periodically generates the signal minimizing OS latency
This measuring environment enables to measure a degree of synchronization in a distributed system for different interconnecting topology and actual network load.
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Research groups
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