Department of Intelligent Systems
The Department of Intelligent Systems is responsible for teaching courses specialized in Intelligent Systems. This branch of study synthesizes knowledge from several scientific fields, such as artificial intelligence, system modelling, simulation and formal analysis of system models, neural nets, genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems. The common feature here are the non-traditional ways of computing, which provide solutions of problems with highly sophisticated, indefinite and dynamic character of the processes.
The graduates will become experts in system modelling, and creation, including signal recognition (speech and visual image processing), processing of natural language and decision-making based on inaccurate and incomplete information. They will also master intelligent control systems, intelligent information systems and intelligent robots.
The research activity of the Department is focused first of all on Intelligent Systems, but attention is also paid to systems for specific applications, computer-based systems, interface design and the use of multilevel parallelism. Further fields of interest are: integration of components into embedded applications, simulation and prototyping of different configurations, and formal specification and verification of the design.
The majority of courses are supplemented with projects and laboratory work, in which students gain practical experience with the latest software products and systems.