Master's theses

With the Master's thesis, the student demonstrates that he/she is able to solve and present, both in oral and written forms, given issues and to defend his/her own solutions.

Important guidelines for Master's theses:


Further information on the thesis:

The required extent of the written part of the Master's thesis without attachments (in standard pages) are listed in the following table:

Number of standard pages
Minimum number of pages50
Usual number of pages80-100
Maximum number of pages120

The term standard page (sp) is defined in the document on writing a scholarly work (1 sp = 1800 characters including spaces). You can find out the approximate length of your text e.g. by using the tool.

Semester project

Technical report of a semester project must be roughly half as long as diploma thesis as seen in the table above. It is submitted after the winter semester in the BUT IS within the My final project module in PDF format, and when submitting the form you need to select the file type "Semestral Part of Thesis". The technical report has to be submitted at least a week before the defense.

The additional information about semester project defense are available on the individual board notices in the information system. The length of the defense is about 5 minutes. After the defense, additional 5 minutes are reserved for discussion. It is highly recommended to stay during the defenses of other students. Other requirements are similar to the requirements for diploma theses defense (see below).

The date and place of the defence, including information about the committee, will be available in the BUT IS no later than one week before the defense begins.

Requirements for submission of the Master's thesis

Submit one print of the thesis, which must include a signed declaration. This print must be bound in a manner that prevents disintegration. We recommend to use covers of semi-hard paper, dark (blue, grey), with an envelope including a CD/DVD/SD glued on the back cover allowing for repeated use of the CD/DVD/SD. Sample boards and the assignment are available for download in BUT IS in the My final project module (Templates for download section). The author's login or name must be written on the CD/DVD/SD. If you have obtained the Vice-dean´s consent to deferred publication of the thesis due to an obstacle (the publication may be deferred by 3 years at most), you will also submit a second print of the thesis bound as the first print with all the requisites and attached media - this print will be sent to the Ministry after the defence.

In addition to the printed thesis, the student must also submit the following in the electronic form:

  • text of the thesis in PDF (in the BUT IS);
  • source text (including all the requirements necessary to create a PDF format);
  • full documentation (installation manual, user manual, circuit diagram etc.);
  • source text of the programmes (binary programmes must be translated from source texts);
  • all computer programs in executable form.

Before submitting your thesis, please make sure that all used sources are properly cited. If any code snippets were used, state that also directly in the text of the thesis (not just in the source file).

All computer programs should be compilable and executable in the CVT FIT environment. If this cannot be achieved in justified cases (e.g. if the necessary SW or HW is not installed at the Computer Centre, or if you have produced a new piece of HW), the student must demonstrate the functioning product to the opponent.

The complete electronic version must be submitted on a non-rewritable storage medium CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R in the ISO9660 format (with the RockRidge and/or Jolliet) or UDF or SD (Secure Digital) card in the FAT32 or exFAT format, with a re-write protection in place.

Before handing in the paper form of the thesis, it is necessary to hand in electronically in the BUT IS in the My final project module (in Work submission section)!

Submitting the thesis via the BUT IS

It is necessary to upload the complete text of the Master's thesis into the BUT IS in PDF format. From Overleaf or a LaTeX template, you simply get a PDF as the default output. You can create it directly in an OpenOffice or MS Word document (always generate PDF/A), or you can install the free PDFCreator and print the document with the virtual PDFCreator printer.

The resulting document should have the size in units of MB at most, if it has several dozens of MB, there has been an error. The text probably includes pictures with too high resolution.

In the information system, the thesis is saved in the My Final Project module. In addition to saving the document, it is also necessary to fill in an abstract and key words, both in Czech or Slovak and English, and agree on the dates of the thesis in the same section of the module. Students studying a study program accredited in English and foreign students at the trip to the Czech Republic (Erasmus+) can complete the abstract in both fields in English. The entire content of the storage media must be saved on and a link for sharing must be filled in the form. Without these elements, work is not considered to be submitted.

After filling in all the requisites and inserting the necessary files, it is necessary to check the check boxes that it has been checked that the work contains the obligatory requisites, and finally the check box, by which the whole work will be handed in. After handing in, it is not possible to change anything in the work. Therefore, please check everything carefully before checking this box and saving changes!

State Final Examination

The State Final Examination (hereinafter referred to as SFE) is the official completion of the study and consists of two parts. The first one is the defense of the Master's thesis and the second one from the course questions. Both parts of the exam are oral. The SFE is described in Articles 22 to 27 of the BUT Study and Examination rules (on pages 12-15).

It is possible to proceed to the state final examination after completing all study duties (fulfillment of all compulsory courses, obtaining the prescribed number of credits and submission of the Master's thesis in term). Enrollment for the state final examination is done in the BUT IS in the Registration of courses module (check box in the registration form at the bottom of the section SFE dates).

The course of the SFE is being determined by Guideline No. 2/2023 Rules of state final examinations in bachelor's and master's studies at the FIT BUT. The process and the and announcement of the SFE results are public.

By taking the examination, student demonstrates knowledge of thematic areas, which are announced annually (Thematic areas for state final exams MITAI 2023/24, available only in Czech; for the current academic year will be added).

Defence of the thesis

You will bring the presentation for the defence at a flash drive. You can use a template for LaTeX, Powerpoint, or you can use other template. The title slide should contain the information about the author (name and surname), title of the thesis and a name of the supervisor. Do not forget to add numbering to the slides (current slide number/overall number of slides). If you plan on including a video in your presentation, it should be included directly in the presentation. If it is not possible, consult this fact with the defence group administrator in advance. You have 8 minutes for your presentation.

For the up to date information, please check the DIPe course card.

Responsibility: doc. Ing. Radek Burget, Ph.D.
Last update: 2025-01-31 17:57:32
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