Study Plan

NEMB for ac.y. 2024/25

Programme: Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Specialization: NEMB - Embedded Systems

Level of Education: Master

Academic Year: 2024/2025

1st year of study, winter semester

AVSComputation Systems Architectures5CCr+ExFIT
MSPStatistics and Probability6CCr+ExFIT
TINTheoretical Computer Science7CCr+ExFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

PRLParallel and Distributed Algorithms5CCr+ExFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

SEPSemester Project5CClCrFIT
PP2Project Practice 25EClCrFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

DIPMaster's Thesis13CCrFIT
PPPPractical Parallel Programming5CClCrFIT

all years of study, winter semester

HSCHardware/Software Codesign5CCr+ExFIT
PCSAdvanced Digital Systems5CExFIT
SUIArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning5CExFIT
UPAData Storage and Preparation5CCr+ExFIT
AEUEnglish for Europe3ECr+ExFIT
AGSAgents and Multiagent Systems5EExFIT
AISInformation Systems Analysis and Design5ECr+ExFIT
BAYaBayesian Models for Machine Learning (in English)5EExFIT
BC_MOG1Molecular Genetics I3EExFCH
BIOBiometric Systems5ECr+ExFIT
BISInformation System Security5ECr+ExFIT
BMSWireless and Mobile Networks5ECr+ExFIT
BRIaBrain Computer Interface5EExFIT
CCSDesign and Security of Enterprise Networks5EClCrFIT
CE1CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking (ENCOR)5EClCrFIT
CZSaDigital Signal Processing (in English)5EExFIT
EIPEconomics of Information Products *)5EExFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2ECrCVP
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2EClCrCVP
GALGraph Algorithms5EExFIT
GJAGraphical User Interfaces in Java5ECr+ExFIT
GMUGraphic and Multimedia Processors *)5ECr+ExFIT
GUXGraphical User Interfaces in X Window System5EExFIT
GZNGraphical and Sound Interfaces and Standards5EExFIT
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3ECrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3ECrFIT
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3ECr+ExFIT
PBIAdvanced Bioinformatics4EExFIT
PCGParallel Computations on GPU5ECr+ExFIT
PDBAdvanced Database Systems5ECr+ExFIT
PDIDistributed Application Environment5EExFIT
PGPaAdvanced Computer Graphics (in English)5EExFIT
PGRComputer Graphics5EExFIT
PKAPractical conversation, presenting and business communication in English3ECrFIT
PKSaAdvanced Communication Systems *)5ECr+ExFIT
POVaComputer Vision (in English)5EExFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2EClCrCVP
ROBaRobotics (in English)5EExFIT
SAVStatic Analysis and Verification5ECr+ExFIT
SCOSecure Coding5ECr+ExFIT
SEMSensors and Measurement5ECr+ExFIT
SFCSoft Computing5ECr+ExFIT
SINIntelligent Systems5EExFIT
SLALinear Algebra I6ECr+ExFSI
SRIStrategic Management of Information Systems5EExFIT
TAMaApplication Development for Mobile Devices (in English)5EClCrFIT
THEGame Theory5ECr+ExFIT
VINComputer Art5EClCrFIT
VYPaCompiler Construction (in English)5EExFIT
ZPJaNatural Language Processing (in English)5EExFIT
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT
ZZNKnowledge Discovery in Databases5ECr+ExFIT

all years of study, summer semester

FLPFunctional and Logic Programming5CCr+ExFIT
FVSFunctional Verification of Digital Systems5CExFIT
KKOData Coding and Compression5CCr+ExFIT
MTIaModern Trends in Informatics (in English)4CClCrFIT
NAVDesign of Embedded Systems5CExFIT
AEUEnglish for Europe3ECr+ExFIT
ATAAutomated Testing and Dynamic Analysis5EExFIT
BDABlockchain and Decentralized Applications5ECr+ExFIT
BINBio-Inspired Computers5EExFIT
BZASecure Hardware Devices5EExFIT
CE2CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing (ENARSI)5EClCrFIT
CPSaCyber-Physical Systems Design (in English)5ECr+ExFIT
CSOaCCNA Cybersecurity Operations (in English)5EClCrFIT
DFAaDigital Forensics (in English)5EExFIT
DJADynamic Languages5EExFIT
EVOApplied Evolutionary Algorithms5EExFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2ECrCVP
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2EClCrCVP
FYOPhysical Optics5EExFIT
GISGeographical Information Systems *)5ECr+ExFIT
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3ECrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3ECrFIT
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3ECr+ExFIT
KNNConvolutional Neural Networks5EClCrFIT
MBAModel-Based Analysis5EExFIT
MPA-SYSSystems Biology5ECr+ExFEKT
MPC-MATMatrices and Tensors Calculus5ECr+ExFEKT
MPRProject Management5ECr+ExFIT
NSBProjecting, Administration and Security5ECr+ExFIT
PDSData Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols5EExFIT
PISAdvanced Information Systems5ECr+ExFIT
PMAProject Manager5EClCrFIT
POSAdvanced Operating Systems5EExFIT
PP1Project Practice 15EClCrFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2EClCrCVP
RTSaReal-Time Systems (in English)5ECr+ExFIT
SLOaComplexity (in English)5EExFIT
SMLMathematical Logic5ECr+ExFSI
SNTSimulation Tools and Techniques5ECr+ExFIT
SPPFault Tolerant Systems5ECr+ExFIT
SURMachine Learning and Recognition5EExFIT
TOIPrinciples and Design of IoT5ECr+ExFIT
UXIaUser Experience and Design of User Interfaces and Services (in English)5EClCrFIT
VGEComputational Geometry5EExFIT
VIZaVisualization and CAD (in English)5EClCrFIT
VNVHigh Performance Computations5EExFIT
VYFComputational Photography5EClCrFIT
WAPInternet Applications5ECr+ExFIT
ZPOImage Processing5EExFIT
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT
ZRESpeech Signal Processing5EExFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective
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