Study news

Category: study

From: 21 August 2024

To: 13 September 2024

Enrollment to the ac. year 2024/2025 for the 2nd and higher years BIT, MITAI and DIT

Tags: 2BIT 3BIT 1MIT 2MIT enrollment

The electronic enrollment using VUT IS to the 2024/2025 academic year is going to start on 2024-08-21 and is going to end on 2024-09-01.
If the enrollment cannot be completed due to the study results for the ac. year 2023/2024 not being confirmed, the whole year has to be confirmed (over the list of courses) not just individual courses.

If you cannot enroll electronically, you can do it in person at the Student's affairs department on 2024-09-4 during their working hours. Students in the Ph.D. study can enroll at the Science department on 2024-09-05, 2024-09-10 and on 2024-09-12 during their working hours. Enrolling in person is intended only for extraordinary circumstances.

The study of students that don't have the interrupted study and don't enroll or don't request the interruption in study from 2024-09-01 is going to be terminated for not enrolling to the next year of study.

Students with the interrupted study until 2024-08-31 will request the re-enrollment after the interruption using VUT IS 14 days before the end of the interruption at the latest.

Supplementary enrollment to 1MIT is going to take place on 2024-08-30 and 2024-09-12.

Student's affairs department is going to be closed on Friday 2023-09-13 due to the 1BIT matriculations.

Additional information can be found in the guideline n. 3/2023 and in Study and Examination rules article 17.

Author: Zaklová Kristýna, Ing.

Last modified: 2024-07-01 00:11:24

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