Scholarship and awards

FIT Merit Scholarships

Merit scholarships are intended for excellent full-time students of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes ranking among 5% of the best students in the given year. The decision on granting the scholarship is always based on the student’s weighted grade-point average in the previous semester of his/her studies. They are not intended for first semester students.

The limits for the weighted grade-point average and the amount of the scholarship are specified in Scholarship rules of BUT and Rules for awarding scholarship for FIT students.

In addition to the weighted grade-point average, it is also taken into account whether the student has earned at least 20 credits in the courses with classification in the given semester, whether he/she has successfully completed all courses in which he/she was enrolled and continued the studies in the following semester in the same study programme.

Scholarships for outstanding study results are granted by the Dean of the faculty, usually based on the proposal of the Vice-dean for Study. The scholarship is paid in bulk for the given semester in the following semester. It is paid by wire transfer in the first week of the following month after the decision to the student's officially given bank account number.

The payment of the scholarship ends when the student interrupts his/her studies, fails to fulfil his/her study duties, is penalised for disciplinary offense, or exceeds the standard period of study.

FIT Exceptional Scholarships

The exceptional scholarships are given to the students with very good and excellent study results. The assessment is based on study results of the entire study and overall assessment of the State Final Examination. To get the scholarship, the student with excellent study results has to have his/her weighted grade-point average of the whole study not higher than 1,5 and all the parts of his/her State Final Examination has to be graded with A. The student with very good results has to have his/her weighted grade-point average not higher than 2,0 and his/her overall State Final Examination has to be graded not worse than C. This scholarship is provided automatically once the conditions have been met and is not required to apply.

For students of doctoral study program, exceptional scholarship is provided for the early submission of a dissertation (in the 4th year of study) and for a successful defense of an excellent dissertation. For details, see Article 4 of the Rules for awarding scholarship for FIT students.

Other Scholarships

Most of the BUT scholarships the student meets during his/her studies (accommodation, social, exceptional) are provided directly by BUT and the information on these scholarships is therefore given on the website of the rectorate

Other Scholarships:

Scholarship account

Before you are granted any scholarship (from FIT or BUT), you need to register your Scholarship account. First enter it into the BUT portal and then download and print an application for setting up an account. Bring the application to the Student’s Affairs Department in person.

The scholarship cannot be paid without a scholarship account set-up and confirmed by the 15th of the month for which the scholarship is to be paid.

Student Awards

Study information

Responsibility: Ing. Jaroslav Dytrych, Ph.D.
Last update: 2024-03-25 14:36:45
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