Degree Programme Details

Information Technology

Abbreviation: DIT-EN

Code: P0613D140029

Level of Education: Doctoral

Title Awarded: Ph.D.

Length of Study: 4 years

Form of Study: full-time

Programme Profile: academically oriented

Fields of Education: Informatics

Language: English

Accreditation: 8. 12. 2020 - 8. 12. 2030

Study targets

The goal of the doctoral degree programme is to provide outstanding graduates from the master degree programme with a specialised university education of the highest level in certain fields of computer science and information technology, including especially the areas of information systems, computer-based systems and computer networks, computer graphics and multimedia, and intelligent systems. The education obtained within this degree programme also comprises a training and attestation for scientific work.

Graduate Profile
  • Graduates from the doctoral study programme are trained to independently work in research, development, or management.
  • They are able to solve and/or to lead teams solving advanced conceptual, research, development, or production problems in the area of contemporary information technology and its applications.
  • They can be engaged to work on creative tasks, to lead research and development teams, or to work in management of companies or organizations whenever there are required abilities to work in an independent and creative way, to analyze complex problems, and to propose and realize new and original solutions. Graduates from the doctoral study programme can also teach and/or scientifically work at universities.
Occupational profiles of graduates

FIT graduates in general and FIT doctoral graduates in particular do not have a problem finding employment at scientific, pedagogical or management positions both in Czech Republic and abroad.

  • FIT   graduates of the doctoral study are capable of independent scientific, research and management work in the field of Informatics, Computer Technology and Information Technologies. Graduates are ready to solve challenging conceptual, research and development problems. They can independently conduct research, development and production in the field of modern information technology.
  • Typically, they work as creative workers at top scientific research workplaces, as leaders of research and development teams and in scientific and pedagogical work at universities. Graduates of this program are also employed in higher functional positions of larger institutions and companies, where the ability to work independently, analyze complex problems and design and implement new, original solutions is required.
  • And, last but not least, graduates typically continue as so-called "postdoc" in their academic careers in Czech Republic or abroad.
Admission Requirements

Students may be admitted to the doctoral degree programme provided that they graduated from a master degree programme from the area of computer science and engineering and provided that they passed an entrance examination. In order to be able to successfully pass the entrance examination, the students are required to select a theme of their future dissertation thesis from among of those offered by the faculty, to have an outstanding knowledge of the theory and applications related to the chosen theme, to have skills for scientific work, to have good English language skills, and to obtain an approval from their future supervisor.

Conditions of graduation

The requirements that the doctoral students have to fulfil are given by their individual study plans, which specify the courses that they have to complete, their presupposed study visits and active participation at scientific conferences, and their minimum pedagogical activities within the bachelor and master degree programmes of the faculty. A successful completion of the doctoral studies is conditional on the following:

  • The student has to pass a doctoral state examination within which he/she has to prove a deep knowledge of methodologies, theories, and their applications in accordance with the state of the art in the areas of science that are given by the courses included in his/her individual study plan and by the theme of his/her future dissertation thesis. The doctoral state examination also encompasses an evaluation of the presumed goals of the future dissertation thesis of the student, of the chosen solution method, and of the so far obtained original results.
  • The student has further to prepare and defend his dissertation thesis.
Rules for curriculum content setup

The rules are determined by the directions of the dean for preparing the individual study plan of a doctoral student.  The plan is to be based on the theme of his/her future dissertation thesis and it is to be approved by the board of the branch.

  • obligatory doctoral study programme Courses, the total number of courses a student has to complete and their mapping into particular semesters.
  • a Research Plan Content (brief descrition of research content - focuse at the intended research area and the doctoral thesis topic
  • a Research Plan ( list of research activities focused at the intended research area and the doctoral thesis topic - conferences and seminars to be attended , work to be published)
  • teaching duty according to BUT study rules and regulations
  • doctoral study schedule

Work experience

There is no prescribed professional practice outside the university in this doctoral study programme. Within the framework of full-time study, the student completes pedagogical practice within the scope prescribed by the decision of the dean The scope of pedagogical practice of full-time doctoral students in the academic year. The content of this practice is pedagogical activity close to the topic of the student's dissertation. Other duties of the student include the annual presentation of the results achieved in the dissertation debate, where the student reports on the state of development of his/her dissertation at the Institute and is evaluated by the supervisor and the authorized members of the departmental board. At the end of each academic year, the student submits a report on the activities of the academic year and a refined plan of activities for the following year.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

The student demonstrates a deep theoretical knowledge in the field, including the methodological foundations of scientific work, taking into account the courses taken during the doctoral studies and the topic of the dissertation. The dissertation, which is one of the documents for the state doctoral examination, is prepared on the basis of the recommendations set by the Board of Studies. It contains a critical assessment of the state of current knowledge, a definition of the expected objectives of the dissertation, the characteristics of the chosen methods of solution, an overview of the doctoral student's previous activities and a research plan.
Thus, in addition to verifying theoretical and specialised knowledge in the field of the dissertation topic, the state doctoral examination verifies, in particular, a clear statement of the dissertation objectives and a feasible procedure that will lead to their achievement within the planned time.

Examples of theses
  • Addressing Issues in Research on Packet Classification in Core Networks

  • Automated Design Methodology for Approximate Low-Power Circuits

  • Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices

  • Automata in Decision Procedures and Performance Analysis

  • Automated Multi-Objective Parallel Evolutionary Circuit Design and Approximation

  • Lawful Interception: Identity Detection.

  • Camera Pose Estimation from Lines using Direct Linear Transformation

  • Formal Models of Distributed Computation

  • Scalable Multisensor 3D Reconstruction Framework

  • Semi-Supervised Training of Deep Neural Networks for Speech Recognition

Availability of literature

The campus library ( provides a sufficient amount of specialist literature and the library collection is regularly updated. Course guardians regularly communicate with the library for updates and additions to the library collection to ensure that the library collection meets the needs of teaching and research activities at FIT. Further information on the FIT library (number of library units, etc.) has already been given earlier. The faculty, as part of the BUT, also has excellent access to specialist literature in electronic form:

A study advisor is available to students at all times, primarily to provide the information necessary for creating and possibly updating the study plan, selecting courses, choosing a foreign internship and dealing with emergency situations. Each student has access to information about his/her study obligations and results in the FIT study information system.

Students also use the BUT e-learning portal, which uses the Moodle system. Through this portal, students can obtain information about courses implemented at other faculties of the BUT.

FIT emphasizes not only the availability of information, but also the availability of spaces and facilities in which students can study these materials. In addition to the digital library of the BUT, which provides access to virtually all relevant journals in electronic form, the well-equipped faculty library of the FIT, which covers an area of 668 m2, offers students approximately 21,000 library units, 57 journal titles, 100 study seats, 100 PC seats, 2 seminar rooms and reprographic services ( The library provides superior opening hours (specifically, the library is open 41 hours, plus an additional 16 hours in the study room), which sensitively reflects the needs of students during the academic year.

Availability for students with special needs

Brno university of technology provides studies for persons with health disabilities according to section 21 par. 1 e) of the Act no. 111/1998, about universities and about the change and supplementing other laws (Higher Education Act) as amended, and according to the requirements in this field arising from Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., on standards for accreditation in higher education, provides services for study applicants and students with specific needs within the scope and in form corresponding with the specification stated in Annex III to Rules for allocation of a financial contribution and funding for public universities by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, specifying financing additional costs of studies for students with specific needs.

Services for students with specific needs at BUT are carried out through the activities of specialized workplace - Alfons counselling center, which is a part of BUT Lifelong Learning Institute - Student counselling section.

Counselling center activities and rules for making studies accessible are guaranteed by the university through a valid Rector's directive 11/2017 concerning the status of study applicants and students with specific needs at BUT. This internal standard guarantees minimal stadards of provided services.
Services of the counselling center are offered to all study applicants and students with any and all types of health disabilities stated in the Methodological standard of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Availability of further education

The study programme builds on both the ongoing follow-up Master's programme in Information Technology and the new follow-up Master's programme in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
Students can also, according to their needs and outside their formalized studies, take courses and trainings related to the methodology of scientific work, publishing and citation skills, ethics, pedagogy and soft skills organized by BUT or other institutions.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Graduation requirements
final state examination, doctoral thesis
Programme Guarantor
Degree Programme Board
1. Sekanina Lukáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. chairman
2. Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. councillor internal
3. Herout Adam, prof. Ing., Ph.D. councillor internal
4. Honzík Jan M., prof. Ing., CSc. councillor internal
5. Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. councillor internal
6. Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. councillor internal
7. Meduna Alexandr, prof. RNDr., CSc. councillor internal
8. Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing. councillor internal
9. Šlapal Josef, prof. RNDr., CSc. councillor internal
10. Václavek Pavel, prof. Ing., Ph.D. councillor internal
11. Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. councillor internal
12. Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. councillor internal
13. Barnat Jiří, prof.,RNDr., Ph.D. councillor external
14. Sochor Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc. councillor external
Holder of the right to carry out the degree programme

Choose academic year and curriculum

2nd year of study, winter semester

JADPh.D. Test of English0CEAExFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

JADPh.D. Test of English0CEExFIT

all years of study, winter semester

JA6DEnglish for PhD Students0CEAExFIT
ASDAudio and Speech Processing by Humans and Machines0CEOExFIT
DPC-TK1Optimization Methods and Queuing Theory0CEOExFEKT
FADFormal Program Analysis0CEOExFIT
MSDModelling and Simulation0CEOExFIT
MZDModern Methods of Speech Processing0CEOExFIT
ORIDOptimal Control and Identification0CEOExFIT
PBDAdvanced Biometric Systems *)0CEOExFIT
PDDApplications of Parallel Computers0CEOExFIT
PGDComputer Graphics0CEOExFIT
PNDAdvanced Techniques in Digital Design0CEOExFIT
SWDOntologie a sémantický web0CEOExFIT
TJDProgramming Language Theory0CEOExFIT
VDDScientific Publishing A to Z0CEOExFIT
ZPDNatural Language Processing0CEOExFIT
APDSelected Topics on Language Parsing and Translation0CETExFIT
DPC-MA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Research0CETExFEKT
MIDModern Mathematical Methods in Informatics0CETExFIT
MMDAdvanced Methods of 3D Scene Visualisation0CETExFIT
RGDRegulated Grammars and Automata0CETExFIT
TIDModern Theoretical Computer Science0CETExFIT

all years of study, summer semester

ATNDAdvanced Topics in Neuroimaging0CEOExFIT
BIDInformation System Security and Cryptography0CEOExFIT
EUDEvolutionary and neural hardware0CEOExFIT
EVDEvolutionary Computation0CEOExFIT
ISDIntelligent Systems0CEOExFIT
MADSelected Chapters on Mathematics0CEOExFIT
SODFault Tolerant Systems0CEOExFIT
VPDSelected Topics of Information Systems0CEOExFIT
KRDClassification and recognition0CETExFIT
MLDMathematical Logic0CETExFIT
TADTheory and Applications of Petri Nets0CETExFIT
TKDCategory Theory in Computer Science0CETExFIT
VNDHigly Sophisticated Computations0CETExFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective

Compulsory-elective groups

AbbrvMin. coursesMax. coursesMin.credOver asCoursesTitle
A1-41-4BAN4EJA6D, JADEnglish exam
T190EAPD, DPC-MA1, KRD, MID, MLD, MMD, OPD, RGD, TAD, TID, TKD, VNDTheoretical course
If you are allowed to enroll more CE courses than the required minimum, then successfully completed courses that exceed Min. courses (or Min.cred, if not 0) of the CE group, will be assigned as courses of duty Over as.
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