Project tasks and other information about it.


This is a two-part project (30 points) performed by a team consisting of two students. The teams for Lecture Notes project (Part A) and Compiler project (Part B) can differ.

  • Part A (5+5 points): the preparation of the presentation in English based upon the topic and/or text supplied by the VYPa instructors (up to 5 points); individual mandatory oral presentation in English during the last lecture (up to 5 points). The both deadlines for the presentation and oral presentation are/will be in StudIS/Moodle. See StudIS/Moodle also for additional information about the required duration of the oral presentation and the discussion.
  • Part B (20 points): implement VYPa24 Compiler from VYPlanguage into VYPcode. VYPlanguage is a simple programming language with basic support of object-oriented paradigm inspired in C language and Java. The compiler you implement translates VYPlanguage source language into VYPcode (an intermediate/target language similar to assembly language) using tools for parser generation such as Flex/Bison, ANTLR or PLY. Use arbitrary implementation language usable on Merlin server (C, C++, Java, Python, Haskell, ...).

    To obtain specific information regarding your project, contact Zbyněk Křivka at