Course details

Machine Level Programming

ISU Acad. year 2024/2025 Summer semester 6 credits

Numeral systems: signed and unsigned integer binary representation, binary arithmetic, real numbers in the IEEE-754 format. Assembly language: assembler, basic functions of a central processing unit (CPU). Specific CPU architecture: registers, memory organization, addressing, interrupt system, coprocessors, instruction set and instruction format. Programming in assembler: common control structures, compilation and linking of the code. Relation to the high-level programming languages: calling conventions, operating system services. Coprocessor: real number format, instruction set, programming of the floating point unit.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Credit+Examination (written)

Time span

  • 39 hrs lectures
  • 26 hrs pc labs

Assessment points

  • 60 pts final exam (written part)
  • 16 pts mid-term test (written part)
  • 24 pts numeric exercises




Learning objectives

To acquaint students with computer programming at the lowest level with focus at chosen processor architecture. To introduce and teach how to actively work with numeral systems, representation of the signed and unsigned numbers, arithmetic in the binary numeral system and representation of the real numbers. To familiarise with a specific processor architecture, its instruction format and addressing modes. To teach to actively work with the common control structures in assembler using given instruction set. To show the connection of programming at a low level and high-level programming via libraries and operating system services. To teach how to use floating point unit to calculate with real numbers.
Students acquaint with one specific processor architecture. They learn how to use the most important instructions of the processor and its coprocessor, programming of the control structures and they develop learn to develop simple applications (compilation and linking). They learn about calling conventions, some basic operating system services and how to call them. They learn how to practically use this knowledge. Students learn about processor architecture form the low-level programming point of view, which is one of the very basic skills of an IT professional. They learn how to develop simple applications or libraries in assembler and how to connect them to high-level programming language applications.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of the C language programming.

Study literature

  • Marek, R.: Assembler pro PC - učíme se programovat v jazyce, Computer Press, 2003, ISBN 80-7226-843-0
  • Duntemann, Jeff. Assembly language step-by-step: programming with linux. 3rd ed. Indianapolis: Wiley, 2009. ISBN 978-0470497029.
  • Irvine, Kip R. Assembly language for x86 processors. Seventh edition. Boston: Pearson, 2015. ISBN 978-0133769401.
  • Intel® 64 and IA-32 architectures software developer’s manual combined volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 4. Webové stránky společnosti Intel [online]. [cit. 2022-01-06]. Dostupné z:
  • The Netwide Assembler: NASM, Quick reference Guide [online]. [cit. 2022-01-06]. Dostupné z:

Fundamental literature

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction, numeral systems, number specification, binary arithmetic.
  2. Basic functions of a processor, machine language, symbolic language, assembler.
  3. Processor architecture - registers, operand, instruction format, memory addressing, interrupts.
  4. Processor architecture - transfers, arithmetical and logical instructions.
  5. Processor architecture - shifts and rotations, control transfer.
  6. Processor architecture - other instructions.
  7. Mid-term written test.
  8. Basics of low-level programming, elementary control structures.
  9. Functions and calling conventions.
  10. Modular programming, libraries, operating system services.
  11. Coprocessor FPU - architecture, real number format, instruction set.
  12. Coprocessor FPU - instruction set, programming, examples.
  13. Compiler for assembler - pseudoinstructions, directives, expressions, operators, operands and macros.

Syllabus of computer exercises

  1. Numeral systems (numeral system conversions), number representation (signed integers).
  2. Compilation, linking and execution of an application in a command line environment. Debugging in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and in a standalone debugger.
  3. Working with registers and memory (variables, arrays).
  4. Arithmetical instruction.
  5. Logical instructions, shifts and rotations.
  6. Jump instructions, function calling and parameter passing via registers. Library for basic input/output operations.
  7. Test.
  8. Basic control structures (if-then-else, while, do-while, for, switch-case).
  9. String instructions for array manipulation.
  10. Test.
  11. Function calling and calling conventions. Calling of services and functions of the operating system, calling of functions from the high-level language libraries.
  12. Programming of the FPU coprocessor.
  13. Test.

Progress assessment

  • mid-term written test
  • evaluated tests in the computer exercises
  • at least 20 points earned during the semester
  • at least 25 points from the final examination
  • tests in the computer exercises missed by a valid proved reason (health issues or other valid reasons) will be compensated within the next computer exercise or another date set by the guarantor of the course

How to contact the teacher

  • The official communication with ISU students takes place either through announcements/news, via email from the school's official address, or in person during the instructors' consultation hours or in the computer labs.


Mon exam 2025-03-24 D105 11:0012:30 Půlsemestrální zkouška D105-11:00
Mon lecture 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 12., 13. of lectures D105 11:0013:50350 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB 30 - 49 xx Orság
Mon exam 2025-03-24 D105 12:3014:00 Půlsemestrální zkouška D105-12:30
Mon exam 2025-03-24 D0206 14:0015:30 Půlsemestrální zkouška D0206-14:00
Mon exam 2025-03-24 D105 14:0015:30 Půlsemestrální zkouška D105-14:00
Mon lecture 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 10. of lectures D0206 D0207 D105 14:0016:50560 1BIA 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 29 xx Jaroš
Mon lecture 8., 9., 12., 13. of lectures D0206 D105 14:0016:50560 1BIA 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 29 xx Goldmann
Mon lecture 9., 12., 13. of lectures D0207 14:0016:50560 1BIA 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 29 xx Goldmann
Mon lecture 2025-03-24 D0206 D0207 D105 14:0016:50560 1BIA 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 29 xx
Mon exam 2025-03-24 D105 15:3017:00 Půlsemestrální zkouška D105-15:30
Tue comp.lab lectures N103 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N104 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Tue comp.lab lectures N105 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Orság
Tue comp.lab lectures N103 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Tue comp.lab lectures N104 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Goldmann
Tue comp.lab lectures N105 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N103 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Viskupič
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N104 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Tue comp.lab lectures N105 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Tue comp.lab lectures N103 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Tue comp.lab lectures N104 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Tue comp.lab lectures N105 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Tue comp.lab lectures N103 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Tue comp.lab lectures N104 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N105 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N103 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Tue comp.lab lectures N104 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Tue comp.lab *) lectures N105 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Wed comp.lab lectures N103 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Sakin
Wed comp.lab lectures N104 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Nečasová
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Orság
Wed comp.lab lectures N103 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Sakin
Wed comp.lab lectures N104 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Nečasová
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Wed comp.lab *) lectures N103 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Wed comp.lab *) lectures N104 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 12:0013:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Wed comp.lab lectures N103 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Viskupič
Wed comp.lab lectures N104 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Jaroš
Wed comp.lab lectures N103 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Viskupič
Wed comp.lab lectures N104 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Semerád
Wed comp.lab *) lectures N103 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Wed comp.lab lectures N104 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Wed comp.lab lectures N105 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Semerád
Thu comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N103 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Thu comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N104 08:0009:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Nečasová
Thu comp.lab lectures N104 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Nečasová
Thu comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N103 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Grézl
Thu comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N105 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Semerád
Thu comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N204 10:0011:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Sakin
Thu comp.lab *) 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N204 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Thu comp.lab *) 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N103 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Thu comp.lab *) 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. of lectures N103 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx
Fri comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures N104 14:0015:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Fri comp.lab 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures N104 16:0017:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
Fri comp.lab *) 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures N104 18:0019:5020 1BIA 1BIB 2BIA 2BIB xx Husa
It is not possible to register this class in Studis. (Some exercises may be opened later if needed, but this is not guaranteed.)

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 1st year of study, Compulsory
  • Programme BIT (in English), 1st year of study, Compulsory
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