Course details

Advanced Database Systems

PDB Acad. year 2024/2025 Winter semester 5 credits

The course offers broader introduction into the following modern database systems: various kinds of NoSQL databases, NewSQL databases, temporal databases, distributed databases, and advanced relational databases. There are also discussed principles of the modern database systems, their scheme, and techniques for efficient usage of such systems. In the lectures, there are also introduced implementation principles of the modern database systems and data manipulation techniques.

Why is the course taught

Number of worldwide data resources is increasing, data kinds stored in databases increases too, ways of data manipulation should change as well. Thus, this course offers introduction and deeper insight into various kinds of database management systems.

Exam prerequisites

At the end of a term, a student should have at least 50% of points that he or she could obtain during the term; that means at least 20 points out of 45.
Plagiarism and not allowed cooperation will cause that involved students are not classified and disciplinary action can be initiated.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Credit+Examination (written+oral)

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 6 hrs seminar
  • 6 hrs pc labs
  • 14 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 55 pts final exam (written part)
  • 20 pts mid-term test (written part)
  • 25 pts projects




Learning objectives

The aim of course is to give a broader introduction into post-relational database systems (various kinds of NoSQL, NewSQL, temporal, and distributed DB). Various systems and their implementation techniques are discussed.

Students will be able identify clearly post-relational DB systems and, for selected categories, they will also be able to discuss issues of implementation and usage of such systems.

  • Student learns terminology in Czech and English language
  • Student improves in participation on a small project as a member of a small team

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Fundamentals of the relational model. Normalization-based design of a relational database. Organization of data at an internal level. Data security and integrity. Transactions. Relational database design from a conceptual model. SQL language. Spatial, object-relational, and XML databases. Algorithms used for indexing in spatial databases.

Study literature

  • Podklady k přednáškám (slajdy, skripty, apod.)
  • Lemahieu, W., Broucke, S., Baesens, B.: Principles of Database Management. Cambridge University Press. 2018, 780 p.
  • Dunckley, L.: Multimedia Databases: An Object-Relational Approach. Pearson Education, 2003, p. 464, ISBN 0-201-78899-3
  • Gaede, V., Günther, O.: Multidimensional Access Methods, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1998, pp. 170-231.
  • Perkins, L., Redmond, E., Wilson, J.: Seven databases in seven
    weeks: a guide to modern databases and the NoSQL movement. Second
    edition. Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2018. ISBN 978-1-68050-253-4

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction, post-relational database definition, recap (O-R, multimedia, XML, spatial DB)
  2. NoSQL DB - column DB and their indexing, graph DB
  3. NoSQL DB - key-value DB, time series
  4. NoSQL DB - data aggregation, data warehouses
  5. NewSQL DB
  6. Column relational DB, comparison with classical storage
  7. Mid-term exam
  8. Temporal database systems, introduction
  9. Temporal data models
  10. Algorithms used in temporal database systems
  11. Distributed databases I
  12. Distributed databases II
  13. Conclusion, comparison of various database systems, open items discussion, another DBMS (deductive, object,  ...)

Syllabus of seminars

  1. Demonstration: introduction to NoSQL DB, column NoSQL DB, DB key-value.
  2. Demonstration: No SQL DB + cloud - CQRS.
  3. Demonstration: temporal databases - introduction to temporal databases, languages (A)TSQL2, interpreters TimeDB2, TSQL2lib, (A)TSQL2 implementation.

Syllabus of computer exercises

  1. Introductory computer exercise and NoSQL databases - introduction to work with particular types of NoSQL databases, indexing in such databases (column DB, key-value DB)
  2. NoSQL databases in a cloud - DBMS CQRS, work within cloud, exploitation of DB inside cloud
  3. Temporal databases - introduction to languages (A)TSQL2 as a temporal DML/DDL, queries over temporal data via (A)TSQL2
  4. Project demonstration

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  1. Design and implementation of database system for particular scalable application exploiting features of CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation). Thus, operations over data are primarily performed via relational database and reading of the data is performed via scalable NoSQL database.

Progress assessment

  • Mid-term exam, for which there is only one schedule and, thus, there is no possibility to have another trial.
  • One project should be solved and delivered in a given date during a term.

  • Mid-term exam - written form, questions, where answers are given in full sentences, no possibility to have a second/alternative trial. (20 points)
  • Projects realization - 1 project (program development according to a given specification) with appropriate documentation. (25 points)
  • Final exam is performed in written form. Students are given questions, where answers are provided in full sentences. The maximal amount of points one can get is 55 points - the minimal number of points which must be obtained from the final exam is 23, otherwise, no points will be assigned to a student. The exam has one regular and two corrective periods. Regular period is always performed in fully written way only.  Corrective periods can be performed either in fully written form or in a combined form (both written and verbal performance in a single day, written in the morning verbal in the afternoon). The form of corrective periods is announced as soon as the previous period is evaluated, while the combined form will be performed in the case when for the particular period is assigned no more than 16 students.


Mon lecture 1., 2., 3., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13. of lectures A113 14:0015:5064 1MIT 2MIT NISD xx Kolář
Mon lecture 4., 5., 6. of lectures A113 14:0015:5064 1MIT 2MIT NISD xx Rychlý
Wed comp.lab 3., 5., 7. of lectures N104 N105 11:0012:5040 1MIT 2MIT xx Rychlý
Wed seminar 1., 4., 6. of lectures N104 N105 11:0012:5040 1MIT 2MIT xx Rychlý

Course inclusion in study plans

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