Course details

Graphic and Multimedia Processors

GMU Acad. year 2023/2024 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

Course is not open in this year

Introduction, basic concepts. Graphic system architecture, CUDA. OpenCL. OpenGL. Computation optimization. Memory management. Unified memory. Graphic pipeline, paralelizatiom. Graphical systems SGI. Evolution of the NVIDIA GPU architecture GF7800 up to Ampere. MM systems, MMX, SSE, AVX. GPU for mobile  systems. Game consoles. Approximate computation, energy aware computations. Texture mapping and compression.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction



Credit+Examination (written)

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 8 hrs pc labs
  • 18 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 60 pts final exam
  • 12 pts labs
  • 28 pts projects




Learning objectives

To give the students the outline of the evolution of graphic and multimedia systems architecture, the hardware support and software implementation of graphical and multimedia operations, image processing and compression, and making use of OpenCL and OpenGL languages for image information processing, optimization of the computation. New CUDA tool for programming GPGPU. Approximate computation. MM systems, mobile systems, energy aware systems.
Students will get knowledge of graphic systems architecture, hardware support for graphical and multimedia operations and programming them in OpenCL, OpenGL  and CUDA environment.

Why is the course taught

To give detailed information about the architecture of graphic systems and their programming.

Recommended prerequisites

Study literature

  • Přednáškové materiály v elektronické formě.

Syllabus of lectures

  • Introduction, basic concepts. Graphic system architecture, OpenCL. CUDA. Vulcan. OpenGL-CL cooperation, shaders.   
  • Introduction to up-date GPU architectures, OpenCL library.
  • Memory model, profiling.
  • Mapping of algorithms onto GPU, optimization.
  • Memory transfers, advanced optimization techniques.
  • Graphical pipeline. Advanced raster graphic architecture. Graphical systems SGI. 
  • Graphic multiprocessors  GF7800, 8800.
  • GPGPU - Tesla T8, Fermi, Tesla P100, Pascal, Titan GTX 1080, Echelon, Turing, Ampere.
  • Memory management, unified memory.
  • Enargy aware GPU, a mobile 363 microW.
  • Approximate computation.
  • MM systems, MMX, SSE, AVX.
  • MMP, VLIW, SoC, GPU for mobile systems.
  • Game consoles. PS4, Xbox 360, One. AMD APU. 
  • Texture mapping and compression. Pixel interpolation. 

Syllabus of computer exercises

  1. Introduction to OpenCL
  2. OpenCL memory model
  3. Cooperation between threads in OpenCL
  4. Parallelization using OpenGL

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

Individual project assignment, 28 points.

Progress assessment

Passing labs and finishing the project.
Passing labs and finishing the project. Substitution according to the decision of a teacher.

Exam prerequisites

  • Min. 8 points from the project.
  • Min. 10 points from labs and the project.

Course inclusion in study plans

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