Course details

Business Laboratory

PLAB FP PLAB Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 4 credits

Current academic year

The aim of the course is to provide students with basic information and knowledge about private business and to teach them how to apply this information when setting up their own small business, which will operate in IT, web and mobile applications.


Language of instruction



Classified Credit

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 13 hrs exercises




Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with specialization in the preparation and management of their own future small businesses. The business itself will be focused on IT, web and mobile applications. Emphasis will also be placed on management, marketing and financial aspects of small businesses.
Knowledge: Students will be familiar with all the essentials of setting up their own small business, including related areas of marketing, human resources and small business finance. Students will be able to actively do business, ie establish and manage a small business.
Skills: Specialize students and give them enough skills to set up and manage their own small business.
Competence: The student will be competent for their own business in IT, web and mobile applications.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Before studying the subject, students must have the following knowledge and skills: basic knowledge of the Trade Licensing Act, the Trade Corporations Act, the Insolvency Act and creative thinking for establishing a small business.

Fundamental literature

  • BURNS, P. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Fourth Edition. London: Palgrave, 2016. 540 pp. ISBN978-1-137-43035-9.
  • KORÁB, V. a V. BUMBEROVÁ. Drobné podnikání. Brno: CERM, 2014, 65 s. ISBN 80-214-2651-9.
  • SRPOVÁ, J. V. ŘEHOŘ a kol. Základy podnikání. Teoretické poznatky, příklady a zkušenosti českých podnikatelů. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3339-5.
  • STAŇKOVÁ, A. Podnikáme úspěšně s malou formou. 1. vydání. Praha: C. H. BECK pro praxi. 2007. 199 s. ISBN 978-80-7179-926-9.
  • VEBER, J., SRPOVÁ, J. a kol. Podnikání malé a střední firmy. Praha: Grada, 2005. ISBN 80-247-1069-2.

Syllabus of lectures

Content of lectures:
1. Introduction to small business, history, basic concepts, definitions, facts.
2. Setting up a small business step by step.
3. Business model of a small company.
4. Choosing a business entity, advantages and disadvantages. Establishment location.
5. Business plan and strategy, small business growth model, stage and crisis.
6. Management of small enterprise resources, limited marketing, financial aspects, starting capital.
7. Exit of a small company, insolvency law.

Syllabus of exercises

The content of the exercise relates to the following topics:
1. Conditions and progress, presentation of the team project and issues, formation of teams and selection of topics for business.
2. Put the idea on paper - the Lean CANVAS methodology. Customer-problem or customer-problem? Initial customers and available market alternatives for customers, deeper unique customer value (UVP) analysis
3. Product technical solution, minimum product strategy (MVP), customer paths, key metrics, pricing model and pricing strategies, cost structure, unfair (competitive) advantage.
4. Evaluate your business models, the scalability of the business model, systematically minimize the risk from the model: product – market – customer. How and what to present? 

Progress assessment

To successfully complete the course, students must prepare and defend a team semester project (viable business model) and pass a final test.

Granting graded credit: the following conditions are required to be awarded graded credit:
. Processing of the Lean Canvas Business model - 0-50 points according to the quality assessment of individual parts (it is necessary to obtain at least 24 points).

. Test of theoretical assumptions 0-50 points (it is necessary to obtain at least min. 26 points).

Overall classification of the subject evaluation:

A: 90-100 points

B: 80-89 points

C: 70-79 points

D: 60-69 points

E: 50-59 points

F: 49 or less points

Reasons for not granting credit!!:
• failure to submit the work on time,
• obtaining 49 or less points,
• failure to present the business model within the team.

The written test will mainly be based on the information presented in the slides displayed in the course updates. Furthermore, the written test will contain questions from lectures and exercises. The questions will be both open and closed. If the student does not obtain at least the mentioned 50% of points in the 1st term, he has the option of writing a remedial written test.

Participation in exercises is mandatory and controlled, while one absence is allowed, which the student does not have to report and excuse. Moving between exercises is possible after individual agreement with the teacher. Exercises can be replaced in another group after individual agreement.

Students with an individual study plan - ISP - only process the Business Model Lean Canvas individually, which they do not have to present.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 1st year of study, Elective
  • Programme BIT (in English), 1st year of study, Elective
  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 1st year of study, Elective
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