Course details

Macroeconomics 1

mak1P FP mak1P Acad. year 2023/2024 Winter semester 6 credits

Current academic year

The course focuses on the understanding of entire economy functioning. The relations among product, services and labour markets on one hand and assets of the given economy on the other hand are explained. Also dealt with is the influence on consumption, investments, inflation rate and unemployment, measurement of economic output and its long term growth, issues related to the economic cycle, fiscal and monetary policy as well as present economic problems. Also discussed are the modern economic theories and their methods of solution of key economic problems.


Language of instruction




Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 26 hrs exercises




Learning objectives

The main objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of macroeconomics on the level required at higher education institutions of economic specialisation. Understanding of macroeconomic relations and connections, terms and necessary theoretical fundaments as well as understanding of possibilities and economic policy of the government.
After finishing the course students should be able: To understand theoretical basis and principles of macroeconomics. To understand the functioning of the national economy mechanism and its equilibrium, interconnection of the national economy and the world economy and their influences on particular businesses and achieving key managerial objectives. To understand how the managerial tasks are being accomplished in the national economy. To work out analytic and synthetic managerial information related to the national economy and apply it when making key managerial decisions. To use critical and analytical way of thinking in the managerial processes underlying the operation and strategic development of business activity within national and world economy.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Secondary school knowledge of economics and mathematics is expected.

Syllabus of lectures

1. Introduction to the course
2. Market and market mechanism
3. Model AS-AD
4. Measurement of economic output
5. The two-sector keynesian model income-expenditure
6. The money market and the money multiplier
7. Labour market and changes in the market
8. Measurement of inflation
9. The causes and phases of the economic cycle, the business cycle of the Czech Republic
10. Types of fiscal policy and its applications
11. Types of monetary policy and the reasons for their application, the policy of the CNB
12. Balance of payments, exchange rates
13. Trade Policy.

Syllabus of exercises

1. Introduction to the course
2. Market and market mechanism
3. Model AS-AD
4. Measurement of economic output
5. The two-sector keynesian model income-expenditure
6. The money market and the money multiplier
7. Labour market and changes in the market
8. Measurement of inflation
9. The causes and phases of the economic cycle, the business cycle of the Czech Republic
10. Types of fiscal policy and its applications
11. Types of monetary policy and the reasons for their application, the policy of the CNB
12. Balance of payments, exchange rates
13. Credit hour written exam

Progress assessment

Student gets credit if he receives at least 16 points out of 30 possible points awarded for practical seminars. Points will be awarded for knowledge at seminars and final tests. The requirement to final examination is the knowledge of the course and obtained credit. The final exam is written (written test). It takes into account a comprehensive knowledge of macroeconomics, in all material respects. The maximum number of possible points is 70. Each student must obtain at least 35 points. In the overall assessment, the points of the seminars and examination are added. Students may request an oral verification.
The scale of the resulting classification:
(student may gain from exercise 30 points and max.70 points of the test, a total of 100 points)
A: 90-100 points
B: 80-89 points
C: 70-79 points
D: 60-69 points
E: 50-59 points
F: less than 50 points

Students’ attendance has not been checked.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 2nd year of study, Elective
  • Programme BIT (in English), 2nd year of study, Elective
  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 2nd year of study, Elective
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