Course details
Selected parts from mathematics I.
BPC-VPA FEKT BPC-VPA Acad. year 2019/2020 Winter semester 5 credits
The aim of this course is to introduce the basics of calculation of local, constrained and absolute extrema of functions of several variables, double and triple inegrals, line and surface integrals in a scalar-valued field and a vector-valued field including their physical applications.
In the field of multiple integrals , main attention is paid to calculations of multiple integrals on elementary regions and utilization of polar, cylindrical and sferical coordinates, calculalations of a potential of vector-valued field and application of integral theorems.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Students completing this course should be able to:
- calculate local, constrained and absolute extrema of functions of several variables.
- calculate multiple integrals on elementary regions.
- transform integrals into polar, cylindrical and sferical coordinates.
- calculate line and surface integrals in scalar-valued and vector-valued fields.
- apply integral theorems in the field theory.
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce the basics of theory and calculation methods of local and absolute extrema of functions of several variables, double and triple integrals, line and surface integrals including applications in technical fields.
Mastering basic calculations of multiple integrals, especialy tranformations of multiple integrals and calculations of line and surface integrals in scalar-valued and vector-valued fields.
of a stability of solutions of differential equations and applications of selected functions
with solving of dynamical systems.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The student should be able to apply the basic knowledge of analytic geometry and mathamatical analysis on the secondary school level: to explain the notions of general, parametric equations of lines and surfaces and elementary functions.
From the BMA1 and BMA2 courses, the basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus and solution methods of linear differential equations with constant coefficients is demanded. Especially, the student should be able to calculate derivative (including partial derivatives) and integral of elementary functions.
Study literature
- GARNER, L.E.: Calculus and Analytical Geometry. Brigham Young University, Dellen publishing Company, San Francisco,1988, ISBN 0-02-340590-2.
Syllabus of lectures
1) Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných, limita, spojitost, derivace
2) Vektorová analýza
3) Lokální extrémy funkce více proměnných
4) Vázané a absolutní extrémy
5) Vícerozměrný integrál.
6) Transformace vícerozměrných integrálů
7) Aplikace vícerozměrných integrálů
8) Křivkový integrál ve skalární poli
9) Křivkový integrál ve vektorovém poli
10) Potenciál , Greenova věta
11) Plošný integrál ve skalárním poli
12) Plošný integrál ve vektorovém poli
13) Integrální věty
Progress assessment
The student's work during the semestr (written tests and homework) is assessed by maximum 30 points.
Written examination is evaluated by maximum 70 points. It consist of seven tasks (one from extrema of functions of several variables (10 points), two from multiple integrals (2 X 10 points), two from line integrals (2 x 10 points) and two from surface integrals (2 x 10 points)).
Teaching methods and criteria
Teaching methods include lectures and demonstration practical classes (computer and numerical) . Course is taking advantage of exercise bank and maplets on UMAT server.
Controlled instruction
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Course inclusion in study plans