Course details
Rudiments of Marketing
IZMA Acad. year 2019/2020 Summer semester 5 credits
Rudiment knowledge in the marketing area. Customers orientation and tasks at the market. The characteristics of marketing philosophy, the opportunity analysis, the use of marketing mix and other modern marketing techniques. The marketing strategy implementation in business and the use of SWOT analysis.
Course coordinator
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
- 13 hrs projects
Assessment points
- 100 pts final exam
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
How to do marketing.
Learning objectives
Marketing approach is an inevitable prerequisite for long-term development of a firm in a market environment. Knowledge and deep understanding of marketing principles thus create one of the pillars of a successful firm. The content of the course "Marketing" is focused on many important aspects of marketing, connected with the analysis of market position of a firm, with the customer analysis and their segmentation, with the marketing mix elements etc.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
No prerequisite knowledge is called for.
Study literature
- KAŇOVSKÁ, Lucie a David SCHULLER. Základy marketingu. 2. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2015. 131 s. ISBN 978-802-1438-385.
- Kaňovská, L.: Základy marketingu. 1. vyd. Brno, CERM, 2009, 123 s., ISBN 978-80-214-3838-5 (in Czech).
- Kotler, P.: Marketing management. Praha, Management Press, 2001 (in Czech).
- Vysekalová, J.: Marketing. Praha, Fortuna, 2006 (in Czech).
- Boučková, J., kol.: Marketing. Praha, C.H. Beck, 2003 (in Czech).
- Burnett, K.: klíčoví zákazníci a péče o ně. Praha, Computer Press, 2005. (in Czech)
- Foret, M., Stávková, J.: Marketingový výzkum. Praha, Grada 2003. (in Czech)
- Foster, T.R.V.: Jak získat a udržet zákazníky. Computer Press 2002. (in Czech)
- Kaňovská, L., Tomášková, E.: DOPROVODNÉ SLUŽBY-KONKURENČNÍ VÝHODA. 1. vyd. Brno, CERM, 2009, 202 s., ISBN 978-80-7204-619-5. (in Czech)
- Kotler, P.: Marketing od A do Z. Praha, Management Press, 2003. (in Czech)
- Kotler, P., a de bes, f.t.: Inovativní marketing, Praha, Grada, 2005. (in Czech)
- Pelsmacker, P.D., kol.: Marketing komunikace. Praha, Grada, 2003. (in Czech)
Syllabus of lectures
1. General considerations for marketing utilization in our conditions
2. Marketing mix - the understanding of "classical" vs. "extended" marketing mix ce, place, promotion)
3. Product - marketing approach to products, management of product portfolio
4. Product - brand, branding
5. Price - the role of price in marketing mix, factors influencing the pricing
6. Price - the principles of trandactional vs. relational pricing, the price-sensitivity of customer analysis
7. Distribution - the role of distribution in marketing mix, the distribution channels selection
8. Communication - the communication mix elements, advertising, sales support
9. Communication - personal sales, Public relations
10. Current trends in company communication
11. Marketing research - primary and secondary research, the choice of proper methods, rational steps in preparation and execution of marketing research
12.Current trends in marketing
13. Current trends in marketing
Syllabus of numerical exercises
1. General considerations for marketing utilization in our conditions
2. Marketing mix - the understanding of "classical" vs. "extended" marketing mix ce, place, promotion)
3. Product - marketing approach to products, management of product portfolio
4. Product - brand, branding
5. Price - the role of price in marketing mix, factors influencing the pricing
6. Price - the principles of trandactional vs. relational pricing, the price-sensitivity of customer analysis
7. Distribution - the role of distribution in marketing mix, the distribution channels selection
8. Communication - the communication mix elements, advertising, sales support
9. Communication - personal sales, Public relations
10. Current trends in company communication
11. Marketing research - primary and secondary research, the choice of proper methods, rational steps in preparation and execution of marketing research
12.Presentation of Team project
13. Current trends in marketing
Progress assessment
Attendance at practice and homework.
Controlled instruction
Assessment Components:
1. Class Participation
Lectures and seminars are not obligatory to visit, students can get 2 points for each seminar (max. 10 points for semester).
2. Students will write a test during the semester (max. 15 points).
3. Team project (10 points).
Total is 35 points. Students must achieve at least 20 points from 35 possible points.
After passing the above-mentioned three parts (participation, individual assignment and group project), students can pass the final exam, which is in written form.
Exam 65 points
Total is 100 points
Exam prerequisites
Attendance at practice and homework.
Course inclusion in study plans